Page 110 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 110

at WHC

        Ascot Park Hotel’s Emberz Restaurant executive chef Simon Henry, right, gives Team UK a run down on brisket boning before they start
        the module.

                 ould you bone a whole beef brisket, name the
                 parts of a carcass, and put pen to paper about the
                 health benefits of grass-fed beef and how Hereford
                 breeders can counteract the threat of alternative
       Cdiets, all in 40 minutes?
          That’s exactly what competing teams in the Young Breeder
        Competition, part of the World Hereford Conference, were
        asked to do in the Hereford Prime module of the competition.
          The Young Breeder modules were held at Waiau Station in
        Lilburn Valley, Southland, and despite its challenges, all teams
        took it in their stride. Only one or two of the competitors had
        used a knife for carcass work before, and while some teams
        thought they knew their way around a carcass diagram, it
        proved more difficult than anticipated.
          The nine teams of four split into pairs to tackle the module.
        It was impressive to see all the teams keep calm under
        pressure, despite an overall lack of experience on the knives.
        The practical challenge was overseen by Ascot Park Hotel’s   Members of the Australia Red team contemplate the theory
        Emberz Restaurant executive chef Simon Henry, who along   aspect of the Hereford Prime module.
        with his extensive kitchen experience is also a butcher by
        trade, making him well qualified for the task.        Simon said the attitude of the competitors stood out.
          While the teams were expected to undertake the brisket   “One of the highlights for me was how they all grasped
        challenge unassisted, safety was at the forefront of Simon’s mind   the experience and approached it and gave it 100% – that
        as he kept a close eye on them (not just for judging purposes).  impressed me,” he said.
          Simon said everyone did well on the knives.         “They were scored on health and safety, hygiene and food
          “They all got in there and got it done and used their body   safety, the steps they took in the breakdown, separating the fat
        weight to pull back the bone from the brisket. They did a   from the meat, and basic knowledge.”
        fantastic job at addressing the task and I would suggest be on   The Hereford Prime module was worth 100 points for each
        a par with many butchers in terms of quality. I helped with   team, with the brisket boning worth 50 points. The essay had
        hand placement a couple of times, but all in all they did well.”  the potential to earn 40 points, while correctly naming the

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