Page 111 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 111

carcass cuts was worth 10 points.                   globally, have a responsibility to educate the public about the
            Hereford Prime chairman Laurie Paterson says he was   benefits of grass-fed beef and tell the on-farm story better.”
           delighted with the professionalism shown by all the teams in a   Laurie said the professionalism with which the teams
           module that, for many, would have been daunting.    conducted themselves was a credit to their countries.
            “We purposely designed a challenging task – that’s what   “The Hereford breed throughout the world is in good hands
           the organisers asked us to provide – but we also wanted it to   if the calibre of the young breeders we hosted is anything to
           be engaging and educational for the teams. It wasn’t easy,   go by. They really were an exceptional group of upcoming
           but everyone finished the tasks to a high standard. They were   breeders with a lot to offer, not just to the Hereford breed, but
           all very happy to have a go and we were thrilled with their   also the global agricultural sector.”
           attitudes in tackling the task.”                      He also noted the huge amount of work and time Simon
            In the essay component there were a lot of good ideas and   invested in the module.
           knowledge shown, including from some countries where   “He’s a huge and loyal supporter of our programme as
           English isn’t their first language.                 well as an exceptionally skilled chef and butcher. We’re really
            “Interestingly, a recurring theme was that beef farmers,   grateful to Simon for his contribution.”

           Simon Henry, right with Team USA contestants before they start   A member of Team Sweden makes her way through the beef
           boning out a beef brisket.                          brisket boning section of the module.

           Fighting the rising tide of alternative diets

           The theory component ran simultaneously with the      positioning will be the three main ways in which Hereford
           practical and asked the teams to write an essay (a    producers can make a tangible impact. Producers must be
           minimum of 500 words) covering the health benefits of   able to prove to discerning consumers that their product is
           grass-fed beef and how Hereford beef producers can deal   going to be a healthy and sustainable alternative to plant-
           with the threat of synthetic meats and the rising trend   based diets that often incur heavy environmental costs in
           of plant-based diets, as well as correctly identify and   terms of fossil fuel and fertiliser use.
           name beef cuts on a carcass diagram (see overleaf).
                                                                 It is important for today’s society to understand the clinical
           Here’s a selection of excerpts directly from the essays:   benefits of why grass-fed beef is an important factor of
                                                                 living a healthy lifestyle compared to synthetic meats. This
            Hereford beef provides great nutritive and palatability   can be achieved by providing complete transparency from
            characteristics where synthetic meats can’t reach this   paddock to plate. Complete traceability is key to achieving
            expectation. Palatability and nutritive characteristics that   this. Also, the beef industry can compete with other protein
            are found in grass-fed beef are vitamins B and C, lipids and   sources as it is not possible to lead a plant-based diet
            fatty acids that enrich our diets; meat made in labs are   without the use of other additives. Therefore, we need to
            lacking the fundamental nutritive values that our body   educate society on the natural production of grass-fed beef
            requires. Consuming grass-fed beef not only fuels our bodies   by the use of marketing it further into urban areas. This
            but helps with brain function and longevity.         will counteract and overcome synthetic meat and the rising
                                                                 trend of plant-based diets. This begins with bridging the
            In order to counteract the rising trend of plant-based diets,   gap between rural and urban counterparts.
            social media, sustainable supply chains, and product

                                                                          Year 2021       HEREFORD MAGAZINE       109
                    World Hereford
                    Conference 2020
                    Queenstown NZ
   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116