Page 105 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 105

Niamh Barnett from the NZ Herefords team, right, in the show ring.

                                                               the overall champion team – it was a bit of a movie moment
                                                               where the crowd noise seemed to blur and fade into the
                                                               background. We stumbled our way to the front in absolute
                                                               disbelief. We had done it. We had taken out the overall spot,
                                                               been named the best of the best, and on home soil! There
                                                               will never be the right words to describe the feeling. Tears
                                                               flowed and hugs were endless. We felt so incredibly proud and
                                                               privileged to be able to take home the top prize in front of our
                                                               own Hereford family.
                                                                 We will never be able to thank our supporters enough,
                                                               especially our sponsor Boehringer Ingelheim. But the
                                                               biggest thanks of all goes to our fellow competitors who
                                                                                           travelled from all over the
                                                               “We felt so                 world to be there. Without
                                                                                           them there wouldn’t have
                                                               incredibly proud            been a competition, or
                                                               and privileged              chance to show off our
                                                               to be able to take          nation or our skills. But
                                                               home the top                most importantly, we
                                                                                           wouldn’t have had the
                                                               prize in front of           chance to meet each other
                                                               our own Hereford            and create friendships that
                                                               family.”                    will now last a lifetime.
                                                                                           After all, for most of us,
           NZ Herefords team captain Sam Tipping.                                          that was what the week
                                                               was about. Not winning, or taking away a title, but sharing
            Emotions were heightened on that final day; after a huge   our passion and love for Hereford cattle and creating lifelong
           week of intense competition, very little sleep and far too much   memories with one another.
           alcohol, it was starting to hit everyone that our time together   Quite frankly, we refuse to let Covid-19 take the shine off
           was nearly over. As we congregated in the marquee on Friday   the incredible event that NZ Herefords hosted and organised.
           afternoon for the prizegiving, we were all definitely crossing   Huge credit must go to NZH, its breeders, sponsors
           our fingers for our own team’s victory, but at the same time   Boehringer Ingelheim, and the families and other supporters
           knowing we would be genuinely happy for all award winners.   who made the competition and entire conference possible.
            As the prizegiving progressed and we claimed a few ribbons,   It will definitely be an event that goes down in the history
           we were frantically trying to do some quick maths to work   books; not because of Covid-19, but because of the quality
           out who the overall champion team would be. We genuinely   cattle, insightful learnings, incredible people, great food,
           couldn’t work it out as it seemed to be a very close split   unique scenery, new friendships, and everlasting memories
           between us and the Aussies. When our names were called for   that we will look back on for a very long time.

                                                                          Year 2021       HEREFORD MAGAZINE       103
                    World Hereford
                    Conference 2020
                    Queenstown NZ
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110