Page 104 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 104

Hereford Youth

        best in the world

        NZ Herefords youth team, left to right, Hannah Gibb, Sam Tipping, Niamh Barnett and Mark Murphy, with Paul Fitzpatrick, senior product
        manager from Boehringer Ingelheim.

        Words: Hannah Gibb                                   world to see our unique little country and compete against
                                                             one another. We definitely knew there was no such thing as a
                et’s go back to when it all began, day 1 of the Young   home soil advantage, and we had our work cut out for us to
                Breeder team selection weekend held at Craigmore   stand up against the best in the world.
                Herefords in Hamilton. The five of us - our captain   It took the first two or three days for most of the
                Sam Tipping, Mark Murphy, Niamh Barnett, reserve   competitors and teams to gel as one large group (needless to
        LLisa Bonenkamp, and myself – were selected from     say a few beverages each night helped this process along). By
        a large group of equally passionate young Hereford breeders   halfway through the week, you wouldn’t have known it was
        to represent our country in just over a year’s time at the   a competition and everyone was getting along like a house
        World Hereford Conference. Writing that sentence – even   on fire. Endless banter and laughs were had, all the while
        now – doesn’t make it feel any more real. The fact that five   supporting each other through each challenging day of the
        young Kiwis had the chance to represent their country doing   competition. Each team found different elements of the
        something we love was an opportunity of a lifetime, one we   competition more challenging than others, so it was neat to
        will never forget.                                   support one another and learn from one another’s strengths.
          We then spent 12 months preparing and training for the   Most of the competitors had never been to New Zealand
        Young Breeder competition. We snuck across the ditch to the   before and were in awe of our landscapes, farming systems
        Herefords Australia National Youth Expo in Parkes and had an   and culture. There were a lot of sheep jokes, questions about
        incredible weekend showcasing our Kiwi skills and learning as   deer fences, and why it was so cold and always raining. It was
        much as we could from our Aussie mates. We were completely   special to be able to show off our little place in the world and I
        taken aback by scooping the pool in the senior herdsperson   know a lot of our visitors are already planning trips back – just
        class (judged on willingness to help others, work ethic,   as we are planning to go and visit them.
        leadership etc.) claiming first, third and fourth.    The biggest days of the competition were always going to
          The team held a mini training weekend in the South Island   be the show days, right at the end of the week. Despite added
        and also spent a lot of time training and preparing individually.   pressure and intensity, and the realisation that the week was
          All too soon, March was upon us and we found ourselves   coming to an end all too soon, it didn’t stop us from having
        on planes and in cars en route to Queenstown. As the hosting   the time of our lives and still working together. In true
        country, it was our privilege and responsibly to greet the other   Hereford fashion, no matter who the cattle belonged to, or
        teams at the airport and ensure everyone made it to the venue   what team you were on, show day became a combined effort
        on the first day. Straight away we were struck by the calibre   where everyone pitched in to help and celebrate the successes
        and quality of the people who had travelled from all over the   of one another as the day progressed.

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