Page 42 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 42

Once the quality specs were nailed   been developed by Hereford Prime to   Mike, who is the second generation of
       down, then Don and Laurie began working   assist with the formulation and adoption   his family in the business and is currently
       with  Invercargill  chef  Graham  Hawkes.   of the quality mark at the same time.  working with the third generation, says
       Graham had considerable involvement    “We’re quite proud of the fact   offering Hereford Prime to their retail and
       with the brand, particularly in the early   Hereford Prime was instrumental in that   food service customers means they have
       days, and he brought a raft of expertise to   development of the Qualmark and we still   a premium product to offer. But having
       the table. Laurie says he’s incredibly well   have a great relationship with Hawksy.”  that premium product hasn’t stopped
       connected and it was always a marvel to   Relationships are an area Laurie, as   Mike from investing in business growth
       him how many people Graham knew as   chairman, takes particular pride in.  and  development.  Innovation  has  been
       they travelled on Hereford Prime business.   “We have worked with a lot of people   at the forefront of the Magills business,
       Graham  sits on the  executive of  the  NZ   over the years and we are on good terms   and in particular finding new ways to
       Chefs Association, owns Paddington   with all of them. Those relationships are   develop the sub-primal cuts.
       Arms in Invercargill, and is a consulting   important to us and we do take pride in   “That’s been a major winner for us
       chef for Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc.  them,” he says.                  and we were backed and supported by
          “Initially I set up a meeting and drove   Magills Artisan Butchery in Te Awamutu   Hereford Prime in this innovation.”
       down to see Graham, having never met   partnered with the brand a couple of years   Of particular note has been the
       him before. But he wasn’t there, so I told   after Bowmonts. Owner-operator Mike   success with the Slow Cooked Pulled
       the staff that I’d leave the Hereford Prime   Van Der Hoeven says the Hereford Prime   Hereford  (Prime)  Beef  that  Magills
       samples for him, thinking I’ll never hear   relationship began as a joint venture with   developed – from the cuts used to the
       back. But  within a couple  of hours  the   Heather Robertson, Heron Creek, and late   machine  that  was  designed  to  pull  the
       phone rang and it was Hawksy. He said it   Hereford Prime director Jan Wills. After   beef in the bag for product integrity.
       was really good product and he had been   discussions with Jan and Heather, a visit   The pulled beef went on to win the
       wanting to use locally sourced beef.”  to Bowmonts was arranged, and after that   supreme award at the NZ Food Awards
          Hereford Prime employed Graham   Magills were on board.              in 2015 (see the sidebar for more details)
       for a time and he also happened to be   “Dad had always processed white   and is now available at selected retailers
       a consulting chef for Beef + Lamb NZ   face cattle prior to working with Hereford   throughout the country,  along with the
       at the same time. Laurie recalls Graham   Prime, so it wasn’t a hard change for us   other range of pulled meats that has also
       using  the  basic  quality  criteria  that  had   to make,” says Mike.  been developed.

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