Page 41 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 41

Industry Focus
          Hereford Prime

          celebrates quarter

          of a century

          in the beef industry


          JUST  OVER 25  YEARS  AGO, the      he  describes  as  “difficult”  is  a  wonderful   came along and said if they all worked
          landscape of New Zealand’s domestic   effort and achievement.           together – from the farmer, to the transport,
          table beef industry changed for the better   “Hereford Prime is a wonderful   to the abattoir, and age it for three weeks,
          as Hereford Prime New Zealand officially   concept and product – we wouldn’t be   it should be a great final product. That
          became a limited liability company and   doing it if it wasn’t.”        concept and development was ahead of
          signed off its constitution.          He says there is no denying the meat   its time in bringing together parties from the
            The development of New Zealand’s   industry is difficult, and for the brand to   entire beef supply chain to work together
          original branded beef programme was   have operated this long is a testament to   for a high quality consistent product. That
          the brainchild of Hereford breeder, the   the passion of those involved.   foresight extended to the impact delivering
          late Don Goodall, principal of the Braxton   He says it’s been a good partnership   the Hereford Prime brand would have on
          stud, who was growing increasingly   between Bowmonts and the brand, and   the cattle industry too.
          frustrated with being served inconsistent   he’s enjoyed the association over the   Laurie recently found a letter written
          and tough steaks when he dined out.  years. Son Stephen is now at the helm of   by Don that he sent to then head of PGG
            He took it upon himself to change   the business – the third generation of the   Wrightson,  Barry  Brook,  outlining  the
          the  fortunes  of  the  long-suffering   Flynn family in the butchery trade.  goal of Hereford Prime. It read: ‘I firmly
          palates  of  Kiwi  diners  and  set  about   “I can recall them (Don and Laurie)   believe that from the embryo that is
          investigating what makes a great    walking into the factory for the very first time.   Hereford Prime NZ, exists an opportunity
          steak. He surrounded  himself  with like-  I hadn’t met Laurie or Don before that. They   which, in the long term, can pull together
          minded Hereford breeders, including   came to see me with the goal of putting a   at least the majority of the quality bred
          current Hereford Prime chairman, Laurie   top beef product out on a consistent basis.  British-bred cattle producers in NZ and
          Paterson of Waikaka Herefords, Gore.  “They  were very passionate  about   reward them with a more profitable
            Laurie recalls they spent a lot of time   what they were doing and we knew we   industry, and the consumer with a quality
          in the chiller working to refine the quality   could support that,” recalls John.  product they will be prepared to pay for’.
          standards that are still used today.  He knew aging could have an influence   “I reckon the brand has achieved that
            “We knew we were going to have    on the quality and they (Don and Laurie)   goal of Don’s,” says Laurie.
          some specifications, but we didn’t know
          what they were going to be.”
            To formulate criteria that were going
          to provide Kiwi diners with a consistent
          beef product, they spent a day a week for
          six months in the chiller, developing and
          testing quality parameters for carcass
            “I’d never been in a chiller before
          then, Don had, and we were lucky,
          John Flynn from Bowmonts shared his
          expertise with us.”
            Bowmont Wholesale Meats was the
          first processing partner to work with
          Hereford Prime, getting on board from
          the get-go – even before the constitution
          was written and signed.             ABOVE: The evolving face of the Hereford Prime brand throughout its 25 years in the
            John Flynn from Bowmont Wholesale   domestic beef marketplace. From left, John Flynn of Bowmont Wholesale Meats at one of the
          Meats says to reach 25 years in an industry   very first meetings with Hereford Prime instigator, the late Don Goodall, and Laurie Paterson.
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