Page 4 - Hooked on Herefords Oct 2022
P. 4

Council Update                                                             Posy Moody  |  NZH Manager

          Technical                                           Show and Sales
            Days to Calving continued to be a topic of importance   R. Kane outlined meeting with E. McWilliam. They
          with G. Pannett informing the board that H. Nivison,   recommend no National Bull Sale in 2023 due to limited
          Managing Director (ABRI), had acknowledged his letter   interest and preferred form of sales being on-farm/online.
          requesting a user-friendly spreadsheet for recording DTC   Further recommendation was to hold the 2023 AGM in
          on internet solutions.                              conjunction with the 2023 Herd Tour in Canterbury in
            Afternote: ABRI hosted a webinar session for PBB staff   March.
          and association GM’s and showed that they were working   There was general agreement and council discussed
          on an alternative spreadsheet to record DTC, which they   details of potential events suggesting Christchurch was
          hoped would be easier for breeders to fill, but they could   central and logistically favorable. See Allflex Coast to
          not provide a completion date.                      Coast Herd Tour 2023 on page 7.
            R. Peacock reported that at the recent technical meeting
          they touched on semen catalogues. Decision was to use   Marketing
          web semen catalogue and encourage young breeders to   Continued growth in engagement on Facebook and
          look there if they are looking for young bulls.     Instagram was reported. P. Moody outlined and presented
            Diagnostic reports were discussed and in particular   the animated gifts concepts for the upcoming Spring
          the samples which were failing for N4 issues (too many   digital marketing campaign with positive feedback from
          samples missing from AGBU 6K panel) P. Moody shared pie   council.
          chart documenting the breakdown of fails.             The priority and plan is for a website brainstorming
            P. Moody shared given reasons for failure of the QC,   session in September to begin the new website design
          coded N4, included, using a ULD test, sample belonging   project but marketing suggestions included:
          to twins, and poor sample quality. See page 9 for further   •   discuss support for breeder ‘agent only’ days
          explanation by PBB.                                 •   creating Hereford customer personas, to help the
            R. Peacock highlighted progeny trial results          council and marketing team identify all of our
          improvements. B+L Genetics received 13/42 nominations   different customers
          from Herefords for the DPBT.                        •   discussed the potential ‘Power of the Beef Cow’ event
                                                                  for 2023
          Semen Marketing
            Posy Moody was tasked to meet with the newly      Youth
          appointed LIC Genetics Business manager,  Jen Campbell.  E. McWilliam outlined Becs Paterson’s report
            Afternote: Posy invited Jen Campbell to the Mahuta   highlighting; the Youth Auction which is to be held at
          Spring sale.  Jen enjoyed her day and saw firsthand, value   the end of August; The Development Forum 2023 in the
          that carefully selected beef genetics bring to the dairy   Manawatu/Wairarapa region and the Youth Leadership
          industry.                                           Forum - potential to combine with the NZH member day
                                                              and breed dinner. Eileen noted the older youth wanted
          Finance                                             to change the name to ‘Young Guns’, and have more
            Council discussed positive state of budget and possible   engagement with the older members.
          one-off rebate on cow fees to members. It was suggested   Mentoring was discussed. The board thought it was
          that NZH rewards their members now, when revenue was   a great idea and beneficial and fun for both farmer and
          generated from Live Exports, and proposed increasing   youth member, details should be driven by youth.
          cow fees due to CPI increase, to reflect increases in costs   Could be potential for relationship building and
          and for sustainability going forward. Read more about the   possible connections and employment ongoing. Matching
          motion that was passed on page 5.                   up keen youth with potential mentors/opportunities/
          Live Export
            Discussion was had around Purcell Live Exports. It   Hereford Prime
          is council’s belief that Purcell Live export company has   L. Paterson provided an update on Hereford Prime,
          replaced Genetic Development. It was suggested that the   providing an overview of the report sent back from the
          council’s role was to inform members, to be aware and   customer in China regarding the Hereford Trial.
          careful in dealings with all live export companies and
          offer advice and support when needed.               •   The product was delayed in reaching the customer
                                                                  due to shipping delays and port issues at the China
          Beef Holdings                                           end
            A. Cook outlined the ongoing work of the air      •   The frozen product arrived in good order at the
          conditioning units being removed from the roof, which has   destination
          now been completed. Noted that Primary ITO have had   •   The customer has sent a large number of photos
          their offices repainted at their own cost.          •   The quality of the product is very similar to PS grade

          4    |    NZ Herefords Newsletter. October, 2022                                    Hooked on Herefords
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