Page 8 - Hooked on Herefords Feb 2021
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                                                         National Hereford Seed Stock Sale 11th May 2021

                      PLEASE SUBMIT ONE ANIMAL PER ENTRY FORM. ENTRIES CLOSE: 9th April 2021
                                           To ensure accuracy, please print clearly.

       BULLS NAME                                                BULL IDENT
       BULLS D.O.B                                               HERD NO.
       VENDOR                                                    AHB

       Address                                                   NAIT No.
       Email Address                                             Phone No.
        I acknowledge that I have read the NZ Herefords Seed Stock Sale entry conditions and agree to comply by the NZ Herefords Entry Conditions (Read at
       Vendor’s Signature                                        Date

                        CLASS 1: Datamars 2 year old Bull           CLASS 2: Honda 2 year old Bull            SEE NOTE BELOW
       Comments         Include genetic defect test declarations, poll gene results, TB status and no more than 50 words per entry.

       Helmsmen Auctioneering Company: PGG Wrightson
       Vendors LIvestock Company                                 Vendors Agent
       Phone Number                                              Mobile Number

       ENTRY FEE
       An entry fee of $250 plus GST
       Please make payment to NZ Hereford: Bank Account number  03 1353 0228574 00
       (Please use your Herd Number followed by GENETIC in the reference eg 1234GENETIC)
       Otherwise make cheque payable with entry form to : NZ Hereford Assn (Entry will not be processed until payment is received).
       Paid by:                Internet Banking                     Cheque       (Please tick one)
       CLASS 1:  Datamars 2 year old bull entries from studs that hold 2 year old sales
              Nominated bull must be from top 6 listed in on farm sale catalogue
       CLASS 2:  Honda 2 year old bull
              Entries received from studs that hold yearling or paddock sales
       1.  All NAIT compliance is the responsibility of the vendor.
       2.  No refunds will be issued after the 9th April 2021.
       3.  Lots will be available for proofing online. Lots must be proofed within 3 days of receipt..
          Correct SNP sire verification (dam recommendation to have dam verification too)
          DNA SNP profile (50K minimum)
                                                                        all included in PBB Hereford Standard SNP Bundle
          Hypotrichosis, Dilutor, Epilepsy, Idiophathic and MSUD tested, and declared free
          Horn/poll tested
          BVD & TB policy/status must be added in comments
          Performance data to be submitted for March Group run
          High resolution photography and quality video (max 1 minute) supplied by the vendor and submitted by 19th April to be used at the sale
          and online catalogue
          8    |    NZ Herefords Newsletter. February, 2021                                   Hooked on Herefords

 CLASS 2                  Post entry forms to : New Zealand Herefords, PO Box 503, Feilding 4740,
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