Page 12 - Hooked on Herefords Feb 2021
P. 12

Announcement of the updated                                                                   Technical

         NZ Hereford Indexes

          As we have been announcing over the past year, including   for commercial breeders.  So, as breeders you need to be
          bulk emails sent late December and at the beginning   aware of the changes to the indexes and the reasons why.
          of this month, the Technical Committee and Animal
          Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU) have been working for   What are Selection Indexes?
          numerous years on updating the NZ Herefords Indexes.   Like breeding values (EBVs), Selection Index technology
          The reason we were required to update the indexes is as   is a well-established, science-based methodology that is
          follows:                                            used in many livestock species around the world. Selection
          •   The NZ indexes were last reviewed in 2016, since then   Indexes provide an overall “score” of an animal’s genetic
             costs and incomes have changed which effects the   value for profit for a specific production system and are
             short-term profit generated by a bull and longer-term   calculated based on weightings placed on individual
             profit generated by his daughters                traits that are deemed to be important for that production
          •   The software package to generate the indexes is   system. As such, Selection Indexes account for both sides
             called BreeObject. The BreedObject technology has   of the profit equation (costs as well as income), and also
             recently been updated to version 6               reflect both the short-term profit generated by a bull
          •   By changing the software versions from BreedObject   through the sale of his progeny, and the longer-term profit
             4 to BreedObject 6, the current index values and   generated by his daughters if they are retained in the herd.
             rankings would change even if we didn't revaluate the
             indexes                                          Best Practice Guide to Using Selection Indexes
            The article explains what the indexes are, why and   Incorporating Selection Index information into selection
          how they are updated and finally describes the new 3   decisions takes all the hard work out of trying to decide
          indexes which have been selected. Whilst working on   how much emphasis you need to put on individual EBVs
          the new indexes, the varying markets for bulls, was given   when determining which animals, you want to retain in
          much consideration.  The Technical Committee finally   your herd or purchase. The recommended strategy for
          identified three markets which they believe best meet the   selecting animals is to complete the following steps:
          requirements.  While they acknowledge there may be other
          markets, it’s believed that the majority of bulls would be   i.   Identify the Selection Index of most relevance to
          able to fit in one of the three selected indexes.       your or your clients breeding objectives. This decision
            As you will be aware, selection indexes were not      should be aided by the index descriptions available in
          designed to be a tool for stud breeders to be basing    the Help Centre on the BREEDPLAN website.
          their selection on, (you should be looking at individual   ii.  Rank animals on the Selection Index. This can be done
          EBVs as opposed to Indexes) however it is a viable tool   easily from the NZ Herefords website from accessing

          12    |    NZ Herefords Newsletter. February, 2021                                  Hooked on Herefords
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