Page 13 - Hooked on Herefords Feb 2021
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November 2020 Hereford BREEDPLAN

          Calving  Calving     200   400   600   Mat                        Eye            Retail
           Ease   Ease   Gestation  Birth   Day   Day   Day   Cow   Milk   Maternal  Scrotal  Days to  Carcase   Muscle   Rib   Rump   Beef   IMF   Hereford
           DIR   DTRS   Length   Wt.   Wt.   Wt.   Wt.   Wt   (kg)  Value   Size   Calving   Wt   Area   Fat   Fat   Yield   (%)  Docility  Prime
           (%)  (%)  (days)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (kg)  (cm)  (days)  (kg)  (sq cm)  (mm)  (mm)  (%)  ($)
           +9.1  +6.9  -1.9  +3.0  +43  +92  +135 +128  +32  +27  +4.2  -2.3  +99  +6.2  +0.4  +0.3  +1.1  +1.7  -6  +$204
           71%  43%  92%  94%  91%  91%  90%  84%  71%  76%  90%  55%  79%  69%  74%  78%  71%  78%  60%
          +11.7  +10.6  -4.2  +0.7  +37  +64  +82  +47  +25  +22  +4.4  -8.3  +65  +3.6  +3.1  +3.7  -0.7  +2.4  -8  +$199
           89%  71%  98%  98%  96%  97%  97%  92%  84%  86%  95%  69%  94%  91%  92%  94%  81%  93%  94%

             internet solutions on the red drop down, ‘On Line   Recent Developments in the BreedObject Software
             Search’ menu and clicking on the index name to sort   Like BREEDPLAN, research into improving the BreedObject
             the animals or catalogue that you have selected.  methodology is ongoing and recently a new version of the
          iii.  Consider the individual EBVs of importance. Selection   BreedObject software has been made available by AGBU.
             Indexes could be viewed as an initial drafting gate   New developments in this version of the BreedObject
             but it is important to look closer. Two bulls could have   software include:
             a similar $ index value but quite different EBVs. For   •   Improved modelling of young animal growth. This
             example, one could have more growth and another      includes:
             bull might have more marbling. Which traits are        » Separate modelling for each sex rather than
             important to your breeding objectives. If you know     assuming there is a fixed difference between them.
             the EBVs of previous bulls you have bought you can     » Revised modelling of feed requirements for
             use this to help your decision making. If there is a   young animals and how this change with body
             particular part of your system that is letting you     composition/stages of growth.
             down then you need to focus on the EBVs effecting   •   Improved modelling of cow weight and condition
             it directly. For example, if you are disappointed with   score throughout the year. This includes:
             pregnancy scanning, keep a close eye on the Days       » More advanced modelling of cow weight, and
             to Calving and Scrotal EBVs. If you are happy with     subsequently feed requirements, at times of year
             your growth rates but you are missing out on quality   when feed is in short supply and/or expensive.
             premiums then look at the IMF EBV.                     Typically in New Zealand, this is during the winter
          iv.  Consider other traits of importance that aren’t      when grass growth slows or stops and cow feed
             included in the genetic evaluation. Structure, bull    requirements are increasing due to cold and
             fertility, bull docility, genetic conditions and pedigree   pregnancy.
             are all important considerations in this step.         » Inclusion of cow condition score and production
                                                                    penalties for cows outside of optimum condition
          The BreedObject System                                    (e.g. too lean or too fat affecting milking ability
          The Selection Indexes calculated by BREEDPLAN are         and/or fertility).
          generated using a software package called BreedObject.     » Revised methodology for valuing cows when culled.
          The BreedObject technology was developed by the Animal    This allows for variation in sale weight and value
          Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), and the development    between cows culled for various reasons (e.g. cast
          process involves four major steps. These steps are:       for age, reproductive failure, poor condition, etc.).
          1.  A detailed description of the input costs (e.g. feed) and   •   Enhanced modelling of carcase market specifications
             value generation (e.g. sale animals) of the commercial   and values.
             herd and target market system. For New Zealand         » This includes the ability to handle non-linear price
             Hereford, some of these values were sourced from:      structures like Beef Schedules that penalise both
             a.  A meeting with a group of NZ producers in 2019.    too lean and too fat carcases, and/or those that
             b.  Past research including Beef & Lamb NZ progeny     penalise under and overweight carcases.
                tests.                                          These developments have changed how EBVs are
             c.  Lincoln University Farm Budget Manual.       valued in Selection Indexes. In particular, the enhanced
          2.  Once the target production systems have been    modelling of cow weight increases the impact that total
             described, the BreedObject software then evaluates   cow feed costs (i.e. length of feeding + feed price + feed
             how each trait influences profitability and the   quality) have on the profitability of the represented
             economic value of improving each trait.          production systems. This means that the new software
          3.  The BreedObject software then assesses what     can construct indexes that can be tailored to the different
             emphasis needs to be applied to each EBV trait to   production environments that are found across New
             achieve the maximum profitability in the production   Zealand where variation in cow feed costs exist.
             system and market end point that index was designed
             for.                                             New Zealand Hereford Selection Indexes
          4.  The importance placed on each EBV results in the   The updated selection indexes calculated for New Zealand
             Index value that is calculated for each animal.   Hereford animals are as follows and will be calculated in
                                                              the March group run:

          Hooked on Herefords                                          NZ Herefords Newsletter. February, 2021    |    13
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