Page 10 - Hooked on Herefords Feb 2021
P. 10

Genomic Information                                                                          Technical

          (Single-Step BREEDPLAN)

            While those that are keen to use genomically enhanced   to be resolved. Continuing with the earlier example of
          EBVs to make selection decisions (for sale and/or breeding   using April EBVs in the sale catalogue, this means that
          purposes) are encouraged to collect DNA samples at birth   DNA samples should be sent for genotyping as early as
          (TSU only) or marking (TSU and/or hair), some breeders   possible in the new year.
          may wish to simply include genomically enhanced EBVs   Hereford breeders should also consider collecting
          in their sale catalogues. In this situation, breeders need to   a back up DNA sample (hair) for home storage when
          allow sufficient time for the genotyping process to occur,   collecting samples. Hair samples can be stored at room
          including time to resolve any issues that may arise.   temperature, in labelled envelopes. Avoid storing in
            The process from DNA sampling to genotypes being   plastic as this will cause the hair to sweat, which can
          included in the grouprun is not a quick one; once samples   allow mould and other contaminants to flourish. While
          are received by PBB, they are sent to the lab where they   collection of a new sample is recommended if the lab
          are processed (processing alone typically averages 4-5   does require re-sampling, a backup sample may also be of
          weeks) before genotypes are returned to NZ Herefords.   use in the future (e.g. if a genotype is required once a bull
          From here, the genotypes will need to wait for the next   is sold/deceased).
          grouprun (this can be up to four weeks if they are received
          shortly after the data submission deadline).
            While a three-to-four-month turnaround should be   Conclusion
          sufficient for the majority of your DNA samples to be   Ensuring that all available information has been included
          genotyped and these genotypes included in the grouprun   in the calculation of BREEDPLAN EBVs included in sale
          a small subset of animals may require re-sampling which   catalogues is beneficial for Hereford seedstock producers
          would extend the turnaround further. This can occur for   and their commercial clients. NZ Hereford breeders should
          a variety of reasons, including sample mix-ups, sample   aim to have DNA samples for all sale bulls sent off for
          contamination or insufficient DNA. Therefore, breeders   genotyping well in advance of the grouprun analysis used
          should ensure that DNA samples are submitted for    for sale catalogue compilation, and all sale bull performance
          genotyping well in advance of the grouprun for which   data submitted at least two months ahead of sale catalogue
          they plan to extract sale catalogue information. This will   compilation. Doing so will ensure you have sufficient time to
          give you some leeway in case re-sampling is required,   deal with any arising outliers (performance data), re-sampling
          or if there are other issues (e.g. parentage) that need   requirements (DNA) and/or animal registration issues.

                          Tissue Sample Guidelines            Taking an ear notch sample

                                                                1a. Slide the   1b. Try to avoid   2a. Remove the TSU   2b. A tissue sample
                                                                charged pliers over   large veins and   tube from the pliers   should be clearly
                                                                the ear and position   ridges. The sample   by squeezing the   visible inside the
                                                                the cutter about   should be taken in   two spring loaded   tube.
                                                                1cm to 2cm from   a very swift, fluid   clips together, then
                                                                the edge of the ear.  motion.  slide out the tube.
             TSU’s should be stored at room temperature prior to use (for a maximum period of 12
              months). Care should be taken not to expose the unused product to extremes of heat or   We recommend samples be taken from the back of
              cold prior to sampling.
                                                              the ear rather than the front to minimise the amount
                                                              of hair which can prevent the TSU from sealing
                                                              Sample can be taken from anywhere in the
                                                              highlighted area, try to find a spot as free from hair
                                                              as possible and not near a vein.   Extract sample from this
                                                                                         area. (3cm from head,
                                                              Be sure to check the TSU after sampling to ensure the   6cm from edge of ear)
                                                              cap has sealed properly to avoid buffer leaking.
              1. Take an  2. Squeeze the  2a. And insert the   2b. After insertion of
              assembled  two spring loaded  TSU as shown in the   the TSU release the
              TSU (needle +  retainer clips  picture  spring loaded clips
              connection piece +  together      to lock in the tube
              collection tube)
                                                                                                    SAFELY
                                                                3. Remove the used   The TSU is for   In the used TSU a   CAUTION: The
                                                                needle from the   SINGLE USE only,   clear RED plunger   needle is very sharp.
                                                                pliers by pushing   both the tubes and   will be visible   Mind your fingers!
              2c. Carefully   3. You have now  4. You can now  5. The pliers are now  the handles apart.   the needles can’t   indicating the tube
              squeeze the plier   completely grabbed  easily remove the  charged and ready  This will loosen the   be re-used! See the   already contains a
              handles until the   the needle. After the  red connection  for use. At first this  needle and make it   difference between   sample and can’t be
              large piston comes   needle is inserted  piece while holding  charging action  easy to remove. You   an unused and a   used again.
              to a stop against   into the piston you  the two red tabs  seems long but  cannot reuse the   used TSU.
              the red connection   can release the  and pushing  with experience this  needle as it has no
              piece      handles    sideways    should only take a  red plunger.
                                                couple of seconds
                                                              Once the tissue sample has been extracted, care should be taken to store the product at room
                 Take care not to cut fingers on the metal needle. It is very sharp!  temperature or in a refrigerator, but NOT to be frozen. The best results are obtained when the samples
                                                              are analysed within one year after the sample collection.
                                                              Allflex Australia Pty Ltd
          10    |    NZ Herefords Newsletter. February, 2021   33 Neumann Road, Capalaba      Hooked on Herefords
                                                              QLD 4157, Australia
                                                              P: 1300 138 247 / F: 07 3245 9110
                                                              PCT Patent Application WO 2010/066475
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