Page 7 - Hooked on Herefords June 2019 ebook
P. 7

Council Communication is information taken from the one-day Council Meeting held on 15th
             Council Communications
                 May, after the PGG Wrightson Livestock National Sale.
                            COMMITTEE         CHAIR             COMMITTEE MEMBERS
                      NZHA COUNCIL 2019 - 2020  Technical   Robert Peacock   Gray Pannett, Andrew Russo, Robert Kane, NZHA GM,
                                                                Colin Corney, Philip Barnett, Philip Shepherd
                                              Gray Pannett
                                                                Colin Corney, Laurie Paterson, NZHA GM
                                              Chris Douglas
                                                                Philip Shepherd (John Allen)

                            Show & Sales
                                                                Chris Douglas
                                              Robert Kane
                                              Philip Shepherd
                                                                Andrew Russo, Robert Kane
                            Semen Marketing
                                                                (Rebecca Paterson)
                            Hereford Youth
                                              Andrew Russo
                                                                Andrew Russo
                                              Chris Douglas
                                              Philip Barnett
                            Beef Holdings
                                                                Colin Corney
                            WHC Operations    Philip Shepherd   Philip Barnett, Colin Corney
                                              Philip Barnett
                                                                Robert Kane, NZHA GM,
                 ELECTION OF OFFICERS took place as per the          the paper which will be delivered in July, but is confident
                 above list. The executive committee was disbanded   NZHA data will be included in time for a research paper
                 with the introduction of the chair of each subcommittee   for the WHC.
                 contacting the President and Vice President should they   •  Discussion was held around parent verification and the
                 have something urgent which requires to be addressed.  diagnostic reports received from AGBU. HAL explained
                                                                     they deal with animals that have ‘wrong sire’ or ‘wrong
                 PGG WRIGHTSON LIVESTOCK NATIONAL                    dam’ codes where an alternative is offered. They then
                 SHOW AND SALE  was discussed with Kevin             code them by using one of the four codes: Verified / Not
                 McDonald and Stuart Robbie representing the vendors   Verified / Not Tested / Failed. NZHA are looking at adopting
                 committee. Suggestions such as finding suitable sponsors   that policy as soon as possible. Both HAL representatives
                 to subsidise the cost of entering bulls, to other initiatives   and NZHA councillors agreed that the new PV policy they
                 that have happened in the past to contribute to the success   adopted has taken away the discretionary powers of the
                 of the sale were discussed. The examples of the vendors   council and now relies on science.
                 agreeing on a reserve price and choice of photographer   •  HAL have very recently introduced ILR2 online for its
                 were also discussed with both parties agreeing that better   members. ILR2 online is for use in the office and not
                 communication between the vendors committee and the   a paddock tool. NZHA did discuss this update with
                 NZHA council is required in the future              representatives from ABRI in Feb, but will ask H Faas
                                                                     to chase it up. HAL however have a large membership
                 HEREFORDS AUSTRALIA  Chairman Bill Kee and          base still opting to record via paper, so rolling out ILR2
                 General Manager Andrew Donoghue attended the council   online will be a challenge.
                 meeting to discuss renewal of the ABRI contract and the   •  HAL have reviewed policies around ownership rights
                 options which existed and to share ideas and information.   to DNA samples. They are in co-ownership with the
                 A summary of the discussion in bullet points below:  member. The members cannot take samples back but
                 •  HAL only use one service provide for their DNA testing –   are entitled to any information on the sample.
                    Neogen. All samples have to be sent to HAL first.   •  A Donoghue reported that he could see TSUs taking
                 •  HAL are about to offer their breeders an option of a low-  over soon from hair cards and in Australia they are
                    density SNP DNA test to encourage breeders to SNP   currently charging more for a hair card than a TSU to
                    test their calves at a lower cost – Robert Peacock and   encourage their membership to use TSUs.
                    Posy Moody will discuss this chip with Neogen when   •  HAL agreed  to have a  phone meeting  to discuss the
                    they attend the HAL Breed forum.                 Australian/NZ youth exchange after WHC.
                 •  A discussion was held regarding Technical support   •  HAL invited all NZHA members and councillors to attend
                    for breeders. HAL explained they employed a “Breed   their breed forum in Hamilton, Victoria on the 11th and
                    development manager” as well as paid for a consultant   12th  June.  NZHA  agreed  to  send  P  Moody  and  R
                    from AGBU. NZHA agreed they would look into      Peacock to represent the NZ breeders and promote
                    employing a consultant to address some matters such   WHC at the same time.
                    as Gestation Length and BLG progeny trial results. Also,
                    HAL said they had some ‘How to videos” which they are   TECHNICAL COMMITTEE  held a meeting prior to
                    willing to share with NZHA.                    the council meeting where they discussed correspondence
                 •  HAL gave permission for their genomic and phenotype   from William Morrison regarding fating heifers before the
                    data to be included in a multi country analysis. NZHA   600 DW was recorded and also the merit of GL being further
                    also agreed but will not be included in the research for   recorded and included in Breedplan. Council recommended

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