Page 91 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 91

Kerri Back’s photo of Esther Mitchell working on Castle Dent Station near Lawrence. Esther also features on the cover.


           Kerri Back loves those Hereford colours.
            After a lifetime of flitting from job to job, mostly rural
           and always with camera at hand, the 54-year-old made the
           call three years ago to follow her passion and become a full-
           time photographer.
            Her photography has taken her from the top of New Zealand
           to the bottom, to the National Sheepdog Trials in Colorado,
           US, and across the vast outback of Australia. She also takes
           portraits for farming families within their own environment,
           where they’re relaxed and comfortable, and usually combining
           their love of animals – horses, cattle, sheep and working dogs
           – with their rural backdrop.
            From that, Kerri’s Stockman Gallery was born. It’s a
           collection of images of the New Zealand stockman or woman,
           predominantly in the High Country, often portraying scenes
           of the shepherd with their stock horse, dogs and livestock.
            “Some of my favourite images are with them moving herds
           of Herefords. I love the rust brown and deep rich red of these
           beautiful, docile beasts. Their colour complements my style
           of editing, which has taken me several years to perfect the
           exact look I was after.
            “I wanted my artwork to look more like a painting than a
           photograph and I also wanted to create almost a 3D illusion
           when looking at the picture, so the focus of the image popped.”
            Reds and oranges are enhanced, which she says brings out
           the colour of Herefords and bay and chestnut horses, as well
           as the tan on the Huntaways.
            Ben Doubleday is a photographer specialising in rural and   Sometimes the best photos can taken by our own Hereford
           stud livestock photography. He’s Canterbury-based but his work   family, such as the top photo from Nicole Wallace, of Waiau
           takes him around the South Island. He’s always had a passion   Herefords or the wee beauty below it from Jeff McDonald, of
           for Herefords and loves how they can be found in any climate.  Kairuru Polled Herefords.

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