Page 89 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 89

Capturing life on New Zealand’s most remote station was a dream assignment for Dunedin photographer Derek Morrison.

            “Matariki bulls are a great type and suit us perfectly,” Guy   country. There is always a great atmosphere at the Ravine – a
           says. The property has traditionally been Herefords because   truly special place made even more special by the characters
           of the temperament and constitution.                who join us on the musters.”
            “We prefer the quiet nature and the white faces of Herefords,   In the acknowledgements in the book, photographer Derek
           which make them a lot easier to see in the thick scrub.”  Morrison agrees.
            According to O’s book, young stock is generally grazed on   “It’s easy to fall in love with Muzzle Station. The feeling
           the Clarence Reserve lease area and the cows are mainly at   of remoteness, the jagged peaks in every direction, the
           the northern end of the Muzzle. Replacement heifers are kept   blue ribbon constantly pushing through the valley floor,
           at the homestead end and have their first calves there before   and the way the sunlight dances across the ridges, are only
           being moved to the Ravine country.                  overshadowed by the characters who inhabit this land.”
            There’s a whole chapter in the book dedicated to mustering   The Dunedin-based visual storyteller says the opportunity
           the Ravine, described by O as a “truly wild spot”. They make the   to spend time on the Muzzle was a dream job.
           pilgrimage to the ravine twice a year – first for calf marking in   “It doesn’t really get much better than that … being up in the
           January and then for calf weaning in May. The autumn muster   high country, and the weather, and being able to experience all
           sees five or six people, each on horseback and with a team of   that real life, for me was absolutely amazing. And with Guy and
           dogs, ride out for about a week, to get all of the cows and their   O being so accommodating, we had a lot of fun along the way.”
           young calves in from the surrounding area. Once mustered, all   Derek grew up on a Waikato sheep and beef farm, where
           the calves are ear-marked, and the bull calves castrated.  his parents talked about high country stations like they were
            “Weaning is a bit more intense, as we have to get all of the   the Formula One of farming.
           cattle in, wean the calves, tuberculosis (TB) test all of them,   Penguin Books had approached Derek to do photos for a
           pregnancy test the cows then walk both the newly weaned   book called Merino Country with writer Paul Hersey. One of
           calves and any cull cows back home to the homestead. All   those stations was the Muzzle.
           that usually takes between 10 and 12 days depending on the   “It was all a dream assignment really. We were pretty
           weather. The country is big, steep, and rough, and not for the   excited because it’s such a good story, being so far away from
           faint-hearted. You need a brave horse and rider.”   everywhere, so isolated, and then once we met Guy and O we
            For O, Ravine musters have always been a highlight. It’s hard   realised what cool people they were to work with. It was probably
           work, but also uncomplicated. All there is to do at the end of a   my favourite station to spend so much time on because when
           hard day is feed the dogs and horses and open a “cold one”.   you’re in there, you’re really in there, and sometimes you just
            When the calf weaning muster is finished, more than 600   couldn’t get out; you had to wait for the weather to clear or wait
           calves and any cull cows are walked 25km home to the Muzzle   for the river to go down. Exciting. I really liked that.”
           homestead. They cross the river four times, if it’s low enough,   The publisher realised they hadn’t scratched the surface of
           and then walk single file along a narrow stock track that winds   the Muzzle story. That’s when O started writing and Derek was
           its way above the river. The Ravine musters are the most   asked to go back in.
           important times of the year for the cattle calendar, O wrote.  “I wasn’t going to turn that down in a million years,” he says,
            “It is a great social time, and out there is the best riding   with a laugh.

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