Page 97 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 97

NZ Herefords participates in genome-wide association study:
           Making sense of SNPs and

           birth weight records

           Words: Dr Brad Crook, manager – genetics research and development,
           Agricultural Business Research Institute, University of New England

                   hanges in EBVs are an expected outcome of   associated significantly with birth and weaning weight records
                   including genomic information in the Hereford   in these breeds. Results from their preliminary study were
                   Single-Step Breedplan evaluation. Sometimes the   reported recently at the Association for the Advancement of
                   EBV movements for individual animals result in NZ   Animal Breeding & Genetics Conference 2021. In this study,
          CHerefords’ breeders contacting the national office   they identified a small number of SNPs accounting for a
           and asking for feedback as to why these changes are as they   significant proportion of the direct genetic variance in birth
           are – especially as large as they sometimes are. These enquiries   weight, and, to a lesser extent, weaning weight. Since presenting
           are then sent on to the Agricultural Business Research Institute   this paper they have expanded their research to include four
           (ARBI) for feedback, an important part of the Breedplan service   international Hereford populations, all of which engage ABRI’s
           provided to NZ Herefords. Breeders are therefore encouraged   commercial services. This includes NZ Herefords, given the
           to ask questions if they see big movements in EBVs and aren’t   volume of performance and genomic information that NZ
           quite sure why.                                     Herefords’ breeders have collected.
            Since the implementation of Single-Step Breedplan for NZ   This work is a continuation of the International Hereford
           Herefords, enquiries from some members have resulted in   Project undertaken by ABRI, in which NZ Herefords contributes
  MOKAIRAU                                                     project at the World Hereford Conference in 2020, hosted by NZ
                                                               significantly. Crook presented earlier outcomes from this
           some intriguing patterns emerging as to how genomics might
           affect certain trait EBVs. It is for this reason that two of ABRI’s
           researchers – Dr Brad Crook and Dr Shalanee Weerasinghe
           – recently collaborated with three Australian breed clients
                                                                 This ongoing research represents an opportunity for ABRI
                                                               to assist NZ Herefords in making more meaningful use of their
           (Hereford, Charolais and Simmental) to investigate whether
           certain SNPs* [*single nucleotide polymorphisms] were
                                                               investment in genomic technology.
                               MOK A I R A UA I R A U

                                       Offering 35 R2 yr BULLS

                   Wednesday 8  June 2022 on the property

                        Inspection: 9.00am  •  Auction: 10.30am

                           Herd inspection welcomed ~ Peter Reeves • Ph: 06 862 2701

                           3005 Whangara Road, RD 3, GISBORNE  • Email:

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