Page 95 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 95
Table 11: Top 20 bulls for carcass weight (that have had at least 10 progeny processed, born 2018 or earlier).
• The top five bulls are from five different breeds. Genetics website for top performing bulls across breeds and
• There are big differences, even among the top bulls. across cohorts.
For reference, the average of the progeny test bulls for
some of the traits shown are: PROFIT DIFFERENCE BY TOP 20%
- gestation length 281.5 days BULLS VERSUS BOTTOM 20%
- birth weight 37.7kg A recent farm modelling project done on behalf of B+LNZ
- weaning age 85.4 days Genetics showed when the progeny of a bull are 15% or 20%
- carcass weight 276kg faster growing, the gross margin per hectare will be $172
- rib fat 4.7mm. and $211 per hectare higher respectively. This was based
• The highly ranked bulls, those that can generate on a conservative season average beef schedule of $5.50/kg
A-Category calves, will not be available for natural carcass weight.
mating, but will be available via AI. The farm modelling utilised a 15% and 20% growth rate
advantage to the progeny of top bulls versus average bulls,
ADDITIONAL POINTS OF INTEREST FOR based on the progeny test results. These results show for
DAIRY FARMERS BUYING BEEF BULLS the 126 bulls tested so far, there is a 20% difference for both
Ten of the top 20 bulls for carcass weight are Herefords, and yearling weight and carcass weight between the top and
Hereford breeders should be acknowledged for recognising bottom bulls.
the importance of dairy-beef production in New Zealand.
The top 20 bulls for carcass weight in the progeny test THE BOTTOM LINE
averaged 287.3kg, with the top Hereford bulls averaging 286kg. Better beef bulls make a huge difference to their calves in
Angus had the next highest number of bulls tested, with tops terms of suitability for finishing and raising profit. Top bulls
of 285.5kg. will sire A-Category calves and most likely have been progeny
For rib fat, Herefords were slightly leaner than average by tested to prove their worth. They will be available in a straw
0.4mm, but Angus were fatter than Herefords by 1mm. These and not on the hoof.
differences may be an advantage or disadvantage depending A livestock policy embracing farm management
on the target market and the dairy cow breed the bulls are systemisation coupled with high quality dairy-beef production
mated over. is a competitive land use option when compared with other
The average gestation length for the top 20 bulls shown in dry stock options.
Table 11 was 282.2 days, very close to the average gestation Our future will see more and more reliance on dairy beef.
length for dairy cows. The top 10 Hereford bulls listed were 1.4 Already more than 50% of our finishing stock and almost 80%
days longer at 283.6 days. of all cattle killed are of dairy origin. The land area available for
The top 20 bulls for carcass weight had an average birth traditional beef production is shrinking, and we will need to
weight of 38.6kg, with Hereford bulls 1.4kg heavier at 39.9kg. find land for raising bobby calves. Something has to give. What
While there is still opportunity to improve genetics for will it be? Traditional beef, sheep, dairy cows, or a combination
all breeds, the Hereford bulls tested to date have acquitted of all three? Whatever the outcome, our beef farming future is
themselves well for carcass weight. Refer to the B+LNZ changing and changing fast. Are you ready?