Page 55 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 55

                                              CUTS ARE AVAILABLE ON               ENJOY YOUR HEREFORD
                                              YOUR MENU AND HOW DO                PRIME COOKED AND SERVED
                                              YOU SERVE THEM?                     WITH WHAT?
                                              As we specialise in premium meat and   There is nothing like a New York style
                                              cuts, we offer sirloin, scotch fillet, and eye   grilled scotch fillet with plenty of mushroom
                                              fillet, as well as dry-aged Everton Hereford   sauce, confit of garlic and fresh tomato,
          ROOFED COWS EATERY                  Prime scotch fillet and dry-aged Everton   and red onion salad with Italian parsley.
          33 Tamaki Drive, Mission Bay, Auckland.  rib eye. We also serve brisket that has
          Eugene Sokolovski, chef – owner.    been roasted for a minimum of eight hours.   DO YOU BRAND/IDENTIFY
                                                                                  HEREFORD PRIME ON
          DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS              WHY DID YOU CHOOSE                  YOUR MENU?
          AND COOKING STYLE:                  THOSE CUTS SPECIFICALLY?            We want to show our customers genuine
          Contemporary  and  classic  cuisine  The idea is to share our passion with our   products, so we are branding Hereford
          composed in a refined, creative way with   customers,  promoting  local  diversity  of   Prime beef to represent great quality.
          a focus on the freshness and natural   Hereford beef.
          sweetness of locally sourced produce.                                   AS A CHEF/RESTAURATEUR
                                              TELL US ABOUT YOUR                  WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE
          OFFER HEREFORD PRIME?               PRIME DISH?                         WHY?
          Hereford Prime beef provides the flavours   All-natural beef fillet served with a root   My choice is the scotch fillet cut with its
          and  textures, and is more  of  a taste   vegetable  medley,  seasonal  greens  and   stunning flavour and that melting fat in
          sensation. Add a little touch of fennel or   aromatic slow cooked brisket.   the middle.
          a coffee rub and heat from the charcoal
          – it can enhance the flavours and uplift it   AS A CHEF/RESTAURATEUR    WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE
          to a totally different level.       WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT              SUB-PRIMAL (SECONDARY)
                                              HEREFORD PRIME?                     CUT AND WHY?
          WHO DO YOU SOURCE YOUR              Flavours and texture are two things that   The way I make a brisket makes me a
          HEREFORD PRIME FROM?                make Hereford Prime outstanding. It’s a   proud chef. I marinate it for two days in
          We buy all our beef products from Cabernet   quality product that customers return for   a mixture of spices, crushed onion, fine
          Foods.  Brian  Everton  and  the  team  are   over and over again.      herbs and olive oil, then roast it for 8 to
          doing an exceptional job delivering world-                              10 hours, pouring red wine over from
          class meat to a local market.                                           time to time. It comes out soft, like butter.

                                                                                  DO YOU HAVE ANY WORDS
          BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT: The most popular Hereford Prime dish is the fillet with a root vegetable
          medley, seasonal greens and slow cooked brisket; Eugene Sokolovski, chef and owner of Roofed   OF ADVICE/TIPS FOR THE
          Cows Eatery in Auckland, says the flavours and texture of Hereford Prime are two standout traits.  HOME COOK WANTING TO
                                                                                  IMPRESS WITH A HEREFORD
                                                                                  PRIME DISH?
                                                                                  Hereford Prime is a gift from nature; treat
                                                                                  it with care and passion.

                                                                                  IF YOU HAVE WON ANY
                                                                                  AWARDS FOR ONE OF
                                                                                  YOUR HEREFORD PRIME
                                                                                  DISHES PLEASE PROVIDE
                                                                                  THE DETAILS:
                                                                                  We have 10 New Zealand Beef and Lamb
                                                                                  Excellence Awards and I continue to put
                                                                                  Hereford Prime beef on the plate to gain
                                                                                  high achievements.

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