Page 53 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 53

TELL US ABOUT YOUR MOST             WHAT DO YOUR                        CAN YOU SHARE ANY
          DISH?                               HEREFORD PRIME?                     FROM YOUR HEREFORD
          Our most popular dish is the Jack Daniels-  I’ve been told on occasion “I’ve been   PRIME DINERS AS TO WHY
          soaked dry-aged scotch fillet. We age and   all around the world and eaten in some   THEY ENJOY THE PRODUCT
          soak the OP ribs (bone-in rib eye) with   of the best restaurants, this is the best   AND YOUR DISH?
          Jack Daniels, and leave to age for up to 30   steak I have ever had!” How great is that?  They  love  the  great  flavours  and  the
          days. We then remove the whole Scotch                                   time and respect given to the meals
          fillet from the bone, portion into steaks, and   AS A CHEF/RESTAURATEUR   presented.
          cryovac with another dash of Jack Daniels,   WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE     One comment from Joe Winiana, posted
          aging for a further week before cooking.  HEREFORD PRIME CUT            online recently read: “Emberz restaurant
                                              AND WHY?                            staff on the 08.10.19  were awesome,
          AS A CHEF/RESTAURATEUR              I can’t go past a big juicy Hereford Prime   very helpful very friendly. I also had the
          WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT              Scotch fillet; I love the ratio of meat to fat,   steak meal OMG I have never had a
          HEREFORD PRIME?                     rendering the fat into juices, giving the   steak as beautiful and tender as I did,
          The outstanding quality and the ability   steak richness that melts in your mouth.   compliments to the chef.”
          to give our clients a connection to the
          farmer, to tell their story, the link between   WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE   IF YOU HAVE WON ANY
          Mother Nature and the diner.        SUB-PRIMAL (SECONDARY)              AWARDS FOR ONE OF
                                              CUT AND WHY?                        YOUR HEREFORD PRIME
          HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY               I’m really into chuck tail, it has a good   DISHES PLEASE PROVIDE
          ENJOY YOUR HEREFORD                 amount of marbling and loose texture   THE DETAILS:
          PRIME COOKED AND SERVED             that lends  itself to being sous vide or   No awards, I’m just so damn busy I can’t
          WITH WHAT?                          braised, with the end result being a   find the time to enter competitions!
          For me it is all about purity. A great piece   full bodied, juicy, and sticky gelatinous
          of Hereford Prime scotch fillet cooked   mouthful of fun.
          medium rare simply on the grill, brushed
          with rosemary and seasoned with pink   DO YOU HAVE ANY WORDS
          salt and cracked pepper. I can’t go past   OF ADVICE/TIPS FOR THE
          pairing the steak with chips and eggs, a   HOME COOK WANTING TO
          bit of gravy and a beer.            IMPRESS WITH A HEREFORD
                                              PRIME DISH?
          DO YOU BRAND/IDENTIFY               Resting.  It’s  so  important  to  give  the
          HEREFORD PRIME ON YOUR              steak time for all the juices to settle and
          MENU?                               be absorbed back into the cut and for
          Yes, we do brand/identify Hereford   the muscle tissue to relax.
          Prime on our menu all the time. Our staff
          and I are all about explaining the cuts of
          meat and preparation processes, telling
          the story, giving them the connection.

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