Page 50 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 50

Industry Focus

       Herefords finish well on

       Cambridge hill country


       PICTURED: From left: Magills procurement agent David Whelan, Hereford Prime supplier Jo Collins, and farming mentor Rex Kidd with some
       of the Hereford heifers Jo has supplied to Magills for the Hereford Prime programme.

       THE HILL COUNTRY OF TE MIRO near Cambridge is home to   drafted off and sent to Magills as they become ready. The most
       Jo and Paul Collins, who are finishing purebred Herefords for   she has finished is 50 head.
       Magills and Hereford Prime.                              “They  seem  to  suit  it  here  and  grow  well  and  I like their
          Jo has developed the 30ha hill country property in the past   nature. I would love to calve some, but the logistics on this
       eight years and she admits it’s her passion more than Paul’s.  property prevent it.”
          It was a blank canvas when they made the decision to buy   The steep terrain means the cattle need to be able to get
       the block and while Jo isn’t from a farm, she has always enjoyed   around and forage easily and Herefords tick those boxes.
       the rural lifestyle and is an avid horse rider.          The lie of the  land dictates a lot in her  farming system.
          “One day Paul and I were looking at larger blocks and this   Feeding out is difficult so it’s a year-round grass-only system.
       one captured my imagination – this was an opportunity to do   Jo says during winter she purposely runs the property
       something I’ve always wanted to do,” Jo says.         understocked, but has found the hills provide quite a bit of
          It was going to be a hobby but it’s become much more.   shelter during rough weather.
       With the help of friend and farming mentor Rex Kidd, the Collins   Jo says time on the hills for her is cathartic and while she
       have developed a lot of infrastructure such as water reticulation,   and husband Paul are  kept busy with other businesses, she
       stockyards, sheds, and doubled the amount of fencing.  admits the farm is always calling.
          Rex is employed part-time to help Jo, and coincidentally, the   “I really enjoy the contact with the animals and the outdoors.”
       Collins’ block was part of the property that Rex originally farmed,   Supplying Hereford Prime-eligible cattle to Magills occurred
       a connection that’s provided invaluable local knowledge.   thanks to the friendship between Rex Kidd and Magills
          “All I have learnt is from Rex – he’s shown me the way.”  procurement agent David Whelan, who have known each other
          Along with finishing cattle, Jo is running between 70 and   for a number of years. The Hereford Prime programme also fits
       90 breeding ewes and 35 heifers this year, with Jo making the   with Jo’s desire to run Herefords.
       move to reduce sheep numbers and lift cattle numbers. All   “Once I had my first Herefords from Robert Port, I was
       lambs are sold to the  works  at Christmas,  off  the ewe.  She   hooked,” she says.
       works in with a neighbour who lets her use their woolshed for   “They  grow  out really well without supplementary feed on
       shearing the sheep.                                   our south-facing hills. I’m really happy with them.”
          Her first line of cattle were Herefords purchased from the   Jo confesses to starting out finishing cattle with little
       Port family of Bushy Downs Hereford Stud near Te Awamutu,   knowledge of the end market so supplying the Hereford Prime
       and she says she was hooked. She was familiar with the breed,   programme  has  been  a  bonus. She  says  it’s  a  great  brand
       having friends who have also run them.                and product and aligns nicely with her drive to give 100% to
          Hereford heifers are her preference for finishing and she tries   everything she does.
       to buy them in weighing between 100 and 200kg.           “I like the brand, product and taste and I like to do what I do
          Jo’s goal is to finish about 30 head annually, and they are   well,” she says.
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