Page 51 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 51

“When we’re in a restaurant that’s serving Hereford Prime, I   experience Rex offers with picking up on subtleties between
          wonder if it might be one of ours.”                   animals after she has made her initial selection.
             “We are also always pleased with our prices; we find the   When selecting her cattle, temperament is paramount, as
          Hereford cattle are always in demand at the sales. There’s no   they need to be easy for her to manage.
          question, Herefords are more desirable.”                “Temperament is first and foremost,” says Jo.
            She says it’s a buzz to get the kill sheet and see the weights   She says her background with horses also influences her desire
          and carcass performance.                              for structural soundness and good proportions, complemented by
            “I am interested in the kill sheet and seeing the differences   good top lines.
          that show up between the animals.”
            Jo has been hands-on with the selection of the Herefords   BELOW: The heifers are finished on hill country overlooking
          purchased. She is supported by Rex, but says she enjoys   Cambridge in a grass-only system; the hills make supplementary
          heading along to sales and visiting the Ports. She values the   feeding difficult.

                                                                  NZ Owned & Operated

                         Rib Fat        Rump Fat

                         EMA            IMF%
                         Structural Assessment

                    Carcass scan your heifers when
              selecting your replacements for genetic gains
                                                                       Secure a deal with

             South Island             North Island
             Bill and Judy Austin     Hugh Boulton
             Accredited BreedPlan Scanner No. 1036   Accredited BreedPlan
             Structural BeefClass Accreditation No. 1036  Scanner No. 1048  GENETICS SPECIALISTS
             M: 027 4100 377          M: 027 339 5222                Anthony Cox                     0272 083 071
             E:  E:  Brent Macaulay                 021 220 0850
                                                                     LIVESTOCK MANAGERS
                                                                     Donald Cooke   Canterbury       0274 730 854
                                                                     Simon Cox      Mid/South Canterbury   0272 097 665
                       We deliver data at chute side                 Hamish Loe     Otago            0274 730 551
                                                                     Rodger Eade    Southland        0274 730 816
                       Electronic Data Entry available

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