Page 145 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 145

ABOVE, LEFT TO RIGHT: The club’s annual pre-bull sale tour has become a special club tradition.

          THE BIRTHPLACE OF                                     Hereford bulls. Our breed’s proactiveness in this market has
          HEREFORD PRIME                                        also seen New Zealand Herefords develop a dairy index for sire
          Hereford Prime was started here
          in the South in 1992 by the late                      THE FUTURE
          Don Goodall (Braxton Stud), Laurie                    Along with an animal’s phenotype, buyers have become savvier
          Paterson (Waikaka Station), and                       and want to know the information that Breedplan makes
          John Flynn of Bowmont Wholesale                       available to them; they understand the benefits this knowledge
          Meats from Invercargill. Twenty-five years on, this is a nationally   gives them. With 16 traits now analysed, our breeders have
          recognisable flagship product promoting and benefiting the entire   become more driven to improve these numbers, and therefore
          breed. Having started out of the simple desire for decent steak   the genetic makeup of our breed has undoubtedly improved
          of consistent quality, it has gone on to have increased breed   and will continue to do so.
          awareness and created additional value to the final product.  The beef schedule is strong and all forecasts look positive for
            In 2017 Laurie was presented with the New Zealand Order of   the foreseeable future. Cross breeding is expected to continue
          Merit in recognition of his work done in the beef industry and for   to increase, with major players in the processing game, Alliance
          the Hereford breed over his lifetime, including the development   and Silver Fern Farms, both bringing in a premium grade, which
          and success of Hereford Prime.                        will increase the demand for Hereford cattle.
                                                                  On the club front we continue to go from strength to strength.
          THE EVOLVING INDUSTRY                                 We see young blood coming in with the same passion for the breed
          The past few decades have seen significant changes to the   as the generation before them, and with a desire to make their mark
          farming  landscape in our  region  with  the boom of  the  dairy   on the industry. The future is bright for Herefords in the south.
          industry. This has had a flow-on effect with the change of land
          use, meaning fewer beef cattle on the hills with farmers opting to
          graze dairy cattle, but it has also seen the emergence of a new
          market for our bulls. Statistics show in the 20 years to 2018,
          New Zealand milk production has nearly doubled from 10.6 to
          20.7 billion litres. South Island dairy herds in 2018 accounted
          for 40.9% of cows milked nationally; 17.1% in Otago/Southland,
          with an average herd size of 600 cows.
            Most of our members now sell to the dairy market. Some
          breed a certain percentage of their animals specifically to target
          this market, although the continued movement in recent years
          by beef breeders to have a focus on calving ease has seen a
          closer correlation  between the two markets’ requirements. A
          major benefit of the dairy bull market is that you have guaranteed
          purchasers every year compared with the requirements of a
          stud bull buyer.
            Acknowledging the importance of dairy beef to the New
          Zealand beef industry has seen the NZHA proactively promoting
          Hereford dairy sires. Focusing on factors such as low birth
          weight, short gestation and the white face advantage – a
          valuable tool for the farmer and then an asset when the calves   ABOVE: The white face advantage is a valuable tool for the
          are sold. Because purchasers can buy with confidence, these   farmer and then an asset when calves are sold.
          calves fetch a premium, further increasing the demand for our
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