Page 148 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 148

Our Breeders

       Spotlight on

       South Auckland Herefords



       Bryce and Susan bought a block of land at Coroglen five years
       ago with the plan to plant it in manuka to complement their
       commercial beekeeping operation. Initially it was leased to a
       grazier, but after receiving a good offer to sell their business, the
       couple decided to graze the land themselves.
          “We wanted something we could take a personal interest in.
       We tossed up between Herefords and Angus, but after chatting
       to a few people it was recommended Herefords were friendlier
       and easier to handle.”
          Their first eight in-calf heifers were bought from Colin and
       Sue Corney from Colraine Herefords.
          “They have been great to deal with and a great support
       as we’ve slowly learned the ropes. These girls were in-calf to
       Waikaka Skytower. Our first-born heifers on the property have
       now had their second calf. We did AI in our second year; our   “We still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but would
       third mating was with a Monymusk Gallant son and we bought   like to experiment a bit more with  our breeding, looking at
       a Craigmore bull for our fourth mating; we have 15 of his calves   improving milk and growth production.
       in the paddock.”                                         “We did the Northland tour thinking we might have felt on
          The Hootons say their maximum cow numbers for land ratio   the outer being such a small herd but felt so welcome and part
       is 20 cows.                                           of a big Hereford family! Thanks to all for taking us on board.”


       Steven was initially an Angus farmer finishing 500 heifers a year
       and running 500 yearlings. One season good heifers were hard
       to find so Steven’s agent picked him up a line of Herefords at
       the Kaeo weaner fair instead.
          “I  farmed  these  alongside  the  Angus  girls  and  was  so
       impressed with the Hereford temperament and aesthetics.”
          Steven was then able to DNA sample the heifers, get
       registered and transfer them into his herd.
          “I was very proud of these girls and wanted to continue
       having that feeling of pride for many generations of stock in the
       future, instead of my initial farming policy of buy a weaner and
       18 months later it’s off to the butcher.”
          Steven’s home base is steep hill country in Wairamarama.
          “This is where all breeding cows are run and they have to
       work hard to earn their keep. All calves are born here and at
       weaning, approximately 250kg, they are transferred to lease   he  is currently running two  Ardo bulls and former supreme
       farms with easier contour in Whitford, Beachlands and Clevedon.   champion Waikaka Skytower.
          “Currently I have 60 registered cows with calves at foot, 20   Ultimately Maui Herefords’ goal is the annual sales. For now
       registered 18-month in-calf heifers, 25 R1 heifers, five herd sires   the focus is on high calving ease and low birth weight bulls for
       and 10 yearling bulls ready for sale.”                the dairy market, placing emphasis on producing heifer mating
          The nucleus of the Maui herd has been purchased as heifers   bulls.
       from the Shepherd family from Otengi and Waimarie studs up   “Eventually I would like to run a programme that also focuses
       north. Other bloodlines come from Woodlyn, Isola, Kamaro and   on producing growth bulls for the beef industry to cover a larger
       Colraine studs. Bulls have been from Mahuta and Craigmore;   client base.”
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