Page 141 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
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bull farm and sale complex, where the 2019 sale bulls, two- lunch at the Lighthouse Function Centre, with its outlook over
year-old heifers and calves, and stud sires were on display. Ian the township and the mighty Northern Wairoa River, before
Clements gave an overview of the stud’s buying policy for herd heading to the Moana Hereford Stud near Baylys Beach.
sires with regard to structural soundness, EBVs and their target Sitting at 300 metres above sea level and bordering the
markets, before the buses headed back to Paihia. Tasman Sea, the stud was started in 1968 by Ray and Zoe
Dinner that evening was at the Waitangi Golf Club with most McEvoy. Now run by their son Alan and his wife Glenys, the stud
people being shuttled up the hill from the Copthorne, although consists of 180 cows and breeds big, sound, structured bulls
a few of the more energetic visitors enjoyed the walk up with for the beef sector. Now in his 90s, Ray is still hands-on and has
spectacular views over the Bay of Islands. A few keen golfers never lost his passion for the Hereford breed, which everyone
hit the practice green right outside the Clubhouse Bar, before on the tour could see in the beautiful cattle on display.
everyone enjoyed a delicious roast dinner. Back in Paihia for a free evening, the many cafes and
restaurants provided various options for dinner, although sampling
DAY TWO the local seafood was a popular choice.
An early start on day two saw the buses heading for the The first stop on day three was the Ohaeawai property of
Dargaville/West Coast area. The addition of two local guides to Hamish and Joey Lewis, where heifers belonging to the Pampas
give a running commentary of the fascinating local history and Lane Stud of Bill Grounds are grazed. Based in the Broadwood
landscapes added to the interest of the day. area of Hokianga, the stud runs 140 breeding cows on 202ha,
Once traffic and road works were negotiated, the first stop was with the majority of bulls sold as two-year-olds to the dairy sector.
the Tangiteroria-based Arahou Hereford Stud of Bill, Wayne and Hamish and Joey also joined various parts of the tour and were
Gaynor Lambeth. Started in 1971 with just three in-calf heifers, the enthusiastic hosts to the visitors viewing Bill’s top line-up of heifers.
stud now has 255 registered Herefords that run with 1000 purebred The Te Puna Hereford Stud of Cam and Carolyn Gerrard was the
Romney sheep on 344ha of rolling to hill country. The stud holds an tour’s next stop. Originally established by Cam’s grandfather, Walter
annual on-farm sale supplying bulls and in-calf heifers to the beef Mountain, the stud has 180 breeding cows on 364ha at Okaihau
and dairy sectors. The Arahou Herefords put on a great display on (split into two farms). Bulls are sold into both the beef and dairy
the picturesque property, making a lovely start to the day. markets, with the stud having clear objectives for its future breeding
The tour then travelled down the Pouto Peninsula, which programme. The visitors thoroughly enjoyed both the Herefords on
borders the northern side of the Kaipara Harbour, though varying display and the smoked marlin provided for morning tea.
landscapes of kumara fields, dairy farms and pine forests, to A short distance north of Okaihau, the next stop was the
Kaipara Herefords, now managed by Sam and Kate Biddles, Viewpoint Stud of Glen Ireland. With the stud dispersal sale
the third generation of the family to run the herd. The mixture of scheduled for the day after the end of the tour, all cattle on display
registered and commercial cows is run under stud conditions, were catalogued for the auction. The stud was established in
with bulls supplied to both the autumn and spring dairy markets. 1987 and was run on the 220ha property from 2004. Due to
Sam’s enthusiasm for Herefords and goals for the future of the ill health, Glen had to make the decision to disperse the stud;
herd and stud were appreciated by all the visitors. several breeders on the tour attended the sale and bought cattle.
Returning to Dargaville, the group was treated to a fantastic A scenic detour via the Puketi Forest allowed for a short
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