Page 142 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 142
walk through kauri trees before the tour reached the breath- even taking a quick dip in the ocean.
taking lunch venue at the Whangaroa Big Gamefish Club. The tour concluded with the final dinner and NZHA Youth Auction
A presentation by a local vet on current animal health and raising a record amount for the Youth Programme. From the feedback
biosecurity issues was informative and well received. received, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the tour and the relaxed
The tour’s final visit was to the Otengi and Waimaire Studs run holiday atmosphere of Paihia. The chance to visit other breeders ‘in
by the Shepherd family. Managed together as one operation, the their own backyard’ and see the many and varied conditions under
studs run 250 registered cows, with 50 being autumn calving. which Herefords thrive will ensure the annual herd tour will continue
Bulls are sold by private treaty into the beef sector, while the to be a highlight of the Hereford breeders’ calendar.
annual on-farm sale supplies the dairy sector. Paul Shepherd
gave an overview of the cropping programme used to control THIS PAGE, TOP TO BOTTOM, LEFT TO RIGHT:
the kikuyu grass while the tour was en route from the home farm 8) Viewpoint Stud; 9) Otengi/Waimaire Studs; 10) Te Puna Stud.
to the second stop at stunning Mahinepua Bay. Here it was time
for many landlocked southerners to hit the beach, with a couple 10
1 P.J. Shepherd Otengi, RD 1, Kaeo .................................. (09) 405 0983
2 Paul Shepherd Waimaire, RD 1, Kaeo.............................. (09) 405 0294
3 W. Grounds Pampas Lane, RD 1, Kaitaia .................... (09) 409 5521
FOR THE TOP 4 Karl Farms Orira, RD 2, Okaihau ................................ (09) 401 9300
G. Ireland
View Point, RD 2, Okaihau ....................... (09) 401 9565
HEREFORDS 6 C. Gerrard Te Puna, 474 SH 1, RD 2, Kaikohe .......... (09) 405 9736
Hokianga, 568 Wekaweka Road, Waimamaku.
I. Webb
Postal: P.O. Box 300 813, Albany 0752 .. (09) 947 3330
8 B. and P. Coutts Wyborn, RD 1, Hikurangi 0181 ............... (09) 433 8335
9 Clements Farms Matapouri, RD 1, Hikurangi 0181 ............. (09) 433 7033
10 I. & L. McInnes Marua, RD 1, Hikurangi 0181 ................... (09) 433 8431
KAITAIA 1 2 11 J. Williams Haumoana, Robinson Road, RD 4, Whangarei (09) 434 0864
12 K. and V. Biddles Kaipara, 1000 Red Hill Road, RD 1, Dargaville . (09) 439 1587
3 4 13 S. Biddles Kaipara, 170 Schick Road, RD 1, Te Kopuru .... (09) 439 5493
5 14 W. Lambeth Arahou, RD 2, Taingiteroria ...................... (09) 433 2475
KAIKOHE 15 D and M Wills Omana, Tangiteroria.
7 Postal: P.O. Box 56, Whangarei 0140 ..... (09) 432 9131
10 WHANGAREI 16 R. McEvoy Moana, RD 7, Dargaville .......................... (09) 439 8503
16 14 11 17 A. McEvoy Moana, RD 3, Dargaville .......................... (09) 439 4513
17 15 18 R. Poole Riverlands, RD 2, Matakohe .................... (09) 439 2420
DARGAVILLE WAIPU 19 B. Hill Postal: P.O. Box 54, Paparoa 0543 ......... (09) 431 6706
12 20 R. Huband RD 4, Maungaturoto ................................. (09) 431 8339
18 19 20
13 21 R. & S. McAulay Ranganui Road, RD 2, Kaiwaka .............. (09) 431 2311
Associate Member:
C.C. Heggie P.O. Box 461, Hamilton ............................ (07) 855 0448
WARKWORTH Life Members:
President: Paul Shepherd K. & L. Allan Kenley, RD 2, Hikurangi ........................... (09) 433 4766
Secretary: Lorraine Clements A. & L. Crawford Poldark, RD 2, Hikurangi. ....................... (09) 433 4837
Publicity: Leeanne McInnes B. & J. Moyle P.O. Box 1291, Whangarei ....................... (09) 432 2844