Page 9 - Hooked on Herefords June 2020
P. 9

Council correspondence was taken from the recent council meeting held 21st May.
             Council Communications
                  Election of Officers took place as per the list on   of Technical) responded by saying a technical training
                  page two. The youth and marketing committees were   session was planned for the day of this year’s AGM in
                  disbanded with the consensus that both were operational   May, but unfortunately due to the situation it had to be
                  roles which will draw on external assistance.  The council   cancelled. Marketing was also a topical discussion with
                  elected that a NZ Hereford Youth co-ordinator will be   members wanting to know the plan, so they could market
                  appointed to engage and develop the next generation   their studs in line with the association’s strategy. Colin
                  and would report directly to the NZHA general manager   responded by saying once the strategy was confirmed
                  and directed to work within the guidelines of the strategy.   breeders would be informed.
                  The NZHA general  manager will  continue to engage   The Treasurer’s report was accepted with the balance
                  with marketing professionals and under the guidance of   once again being very favorable.  A breeder did question
                  council and the direction of the strategy will implement a   the spend on increase in marketing expenditure, however
                  marketing plan within budget.                    once the magazine budget was removed from the equation
                  The president explained to the council that the committees   (as the manager explained it was not a marketing expense
                  were selected taking into account a mix of experience as   since it covers its own cost) it was felt that the marketing
                  well as succession planning in mind.             spend was appropriate to the year’s budget.  A discussion
                                                                   also took place regarding Hereford Prime contribution by
                  Strategic Plan (page 10) was the topic for the remainder   the few members through the Hereford Prime club and
                  of the meeting. Over the next few council meetings (which   questioned whether all members should support HP as
                  will likely be a mixture of zoom and in person), council will   HP benefited every member.  NZHA president responded
                  discuss how and when the actions will take place to meet   with confirmation from the HP President that an annual
                  the priorities of the association.               grant of $20K had been set several years ago and to
                                                                   date HP pays back what it does not require.  The NZHA
                  AGM Summary                                      president continued to say that the $20,000 works out
                  The AGM was held on Sunday 17th May via Zoom.  A   to be approx. $1 per cow, so all members do currently
                  quorum was present with 26 members on line and a few   contribute to HP.
                  proxy votes submitted prior to the meeting.  The minutes   Laurie Paterson then delivered the HP report and an
                  were passed from the previous Annual General Meeting   update along with a treasurer’s report.
                  with a few questions from members regarding the lack   General business included discussions on marketing,
                  of action relating to the technical training for members   what technical success looks like and the World Hereford
                  discussed at the previous AGM.  Robert Peacock (Chair   Conference.



              PGG WRIGHTSON                                   We are so fortunate to once again

                                                              have Kate Taylor to be our editor
                     LIVESTOCK                                for the 2021 magazine. She is
                                                              in particular seeking commercial
              Currently procuring Hereford heifers with multiple   leads; however, she would also be
               options of delivery. Heifers purchased will be   interested in unusual stories related to
                    subject to export China protocol.         Herefords or interesting stud history.
                                                              Please email her your suggestions:
                    Age: Hereford Heifers Born 2019
                Weight: 210kg at delivery into Quarantine     Please contact the office to arrange for 2020 magazines to
                     Delivery: Early October 2020             be sent to you, so you can distribute them to your local farm
                        Pedigree: Category 2                  stores and clients at your sale. Rosalie Russo has some boxes
                                                              in Hamilton. Please call (07 825 9904) to arrange collection.
            All enquiries contact your local PGW livestock agent
               alternatively call Ross Gibson 027 539 6894

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