Page 2 - Hooked on Herefords June 2020
P. 2

Manager’s Report

       Following on from some intense governance training sessions and   for their years of dedicated commitment to the Association and
       strategic planning by the council during lockdown level 4, there   welcomed two new council members, Eileen McWilliam and Chris
       will be a few changes to the direction your council will take in the   Jeffries.  A more detailed summary of the AGM is on page 9.
       coming years. This edition will steer you through the changes you
       can expect to see over the next few years.             During the week following the AGM the council met to elect the
                                                              position of officers and agree on the committees (see below)
       Whilst the council’s focus will be governance, (ie they will be   and finalise the strategic plan. Whilst the president’s term is on
       steering the ship, setting rules and regulations and strategic plan)   average two years, the council chose to elect Colin Corney for his
       they are still there for you and will continue to be your voice, whilst   third year of presidency.
       the day to day running of the association will be the responsibility
       of NZHA staff and the PBB team.                        Lastly from the team in Feilding we wish you the very best of luck
                                                              with your Autumn sales.
       On page 10 you will find the newly set strategic plan for NZHA.
       The council determined the vision for the Association is to “Drive
       New Zealand beef performance and profitability”, with the three   Regards,
       objectives which include building a strong association, creating
       member value and marketing the Hereford breed.  Over the next   Posy Moody
       few months, the council will work on setting some measurable   General Manager, NZHA
       tasks and time lines for the management team to action.

       On Sunday 17th May the Annual General Meeting was held using
       a computer software programme called Zoom. This allowed us to
       meet the Ministry of Health Covid-19 regulations and yet see and
       hear each other whilst attending the meeting remotely.  Whilst it
       would not be a preferred option for future AGMs, it was great to
       see some first time ‘zoomers’ and the meeting went well.  Colin
       fare welled Phil Barnett and Chris Douglas and thanked them

                  COMMITTEE                  CHAIR
                  President                  Colin Corney
                  Vice President             Gray Pannett
           NZHA COUNCIL 2020 - 2021  COMMITTEE MEMBERS  Gray Pannett     Philip Shepherd, Robert Peacock
                                             Gray Pannett

                                             Robert Peacock
                                                                         Philip Shepherd, Andrew Russo, Robert Kane,
                                                                         Gray Pannett, John Allen (co-opted), NZHA GM

                                                                         Eileen McWilliam
                                             Robert Kane
                  Show, Sales &

                  Future Beef
                  Semen Marketing
                                             Andrew Russo
                                                                         Chris Jeffries
                                             Philip Shepherd
                  PBB                        Andrew Russo                Philip Shepherd, Robert Kane
                  Beef Holdings              Philip Barnett (co-opted)

                                            Editor:   Posy Moody, NZHA
                                            Address:  PO Box 503, Feilding 4740
                                            Phone:   06 323 4484
                                            DDI:    06 323 0745                
                                            Fax:    06 323 3878                              COMPILED BY Pivot Design, PBBNZ
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