Page 70 - Hereford Magazine 2022
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Dairy Beef Progeny Test results
highlight the power of genetics
Cohort 5: the Dairy Beef Progeny Test’s 2020-born heifers.
Words and photos: B+LNZ Genetics. The majority of cattle (97.6%) graded P2, and 38% of heifers
and 24% of steers reached reserve grade under Silver Fern
Farms’ Beef EQ standard.
he most recent results from Beef + Lamb New All of the cattle in the progeny test are born on Pãmu’s
Zealand Genetics’ Dairy Beef Progeny Test Renown farm at Wairakei Estate and reared and finished under
demonstrate the value of selecting the right beef commercial conditions at Pãmu’s Orakonui farm, also at
genetics for use over dairy cows. Wairakei Estate.
T B+LNZ Genetics general manager Dan Brier The weights of all the progeny are recorded at 200, 400 and
says the results released in June 2021 showed some good 600 days.
all-round bulls delivering for both dairy farmers and dairy Dan says the 2019-born calves were run in four groups from
beef finishers. weaning (two groups of heifers and two groups of steers),
“There are bulls that offer short gestation and low birth then split into four lines closer to processing. This cohort of
weight genetics while producing progeny that finish well with progeny (heifers and steers) was processed between October
high-value carcass characteristics.” 2021 and March 2022 and results will be published in the June
The results include the processing data from the first calves 2022 report.
born in the second stage of the progeny test. All 694 calves born in spring 2020 were DNA-verified to
This test evaluates the performance of bulls with EBVs progeny test sires as per previous years. The only calving
that indicate they are likely to be excellent bulls for dairy difficulties reported were six malpresented calves. This cohort
beef systems. of progeny have now had a 600-day weight recorded and will
The calves, which were born in 2018, were ultrasound be processed from October this year.
scanned for carcass traits before processing between October Calving went well again in 2021, with few assists, and birth
2020 and March 2021. Silver Fern Farm’s Beef EQ data was also weights consistent with previous years.
collected at processing. Dan says the Dairy Beef Progeny Test is creating value for
All the traits assessed in the live animals showed a significant both this country’s beef industry and the dairy industry.
impact of the sire, meaning the performance of the progeny The majority of New Zealand’s export beef is derived from
was better for some sires than others. The report identifies some the dairy industry and improving the quality of this beef
top all-round bulls as well as top individual bulls for key traits. benefits both industries by generating more value at every
The only two traits that appeared not to be affected by sire stage of the supply chain while reducing calf wastage in the
were pH and meat colour. dairy industry.