Page 126 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 126

Rib Fat        Rump Fat
                                                                            EMA            IMF%
                                                                            Structural Assessment
        Miniature Hereford bull, Marshall Cooper, right, with two
        18-month steers.
                                                                      COMMERCIAL BEEF FARMERS
                                                                       Carcass scan your heifers when
          “I saw an article about miniatures and went out and
        bought five cows and a bull then started breeding from there.   selecting your replacements for genetic gains
        Most of the calves are presold; I have a waiting list for them,
        and also for my lambs.                                   South Island            North Island
          “The Miniature Herefords are great to raise and are the way
        of the future in sustainable lifestyle farming.”         Bill and Judy Austin    Hugh Boulton
                                                                                         Accredited BreedPlan
                                                                 Accredited BreedPlan Scanner No. 1036
          Vicky had her first crop of calves in 2018 and the herd is   Structural BeefClass Accreditation No. 1036  Scanner No. 1048
        now up to 27 (including some progeny).                   M: 027 4100 377         M: 027 339 5222
          Her purebred Suffolk ewe flock has dropped from 30 down   E:  E:
        to eight after a good offer from another breeder.

                                                                          We deliver data at chute side
                                                                          Electronic Data Entry available

                                               CANTERBURY HEREFORD BREEDERS CLUB
                                               CANTERBURY HEREFORD BREEDERS CLUB

                                                   STUD                              CONTACT     SALE
                             1 1                 1 Alfriston – D & R Long            03 315 7932 17 June
                                                                                                 16 June
                                                 1 Alfriston – D & R Long
                                                                                     03 315 7932
                                      5 5
                                                                                     03 313 2857 10 June/12 Oct
                                                 2 Beechwood – R & M Burrows
                                     7 7         2 Beechwood – R & M Burrows         03 313 2857  9 June / 12 Oct
                                3 3              3 Blackhills – B Forrester          03 314 4195  Private Treaty
                                                 3 Blackhills – B Forrester
                                                                                     03 314 4195 Private Treaty
                             8 8
                                                 4 Bluestone – B & Y Lee             03 614 3996  5 October
                                                                                     03 614 3996 6 October
                                                 4 Bluestone – B & Y Lee
                      13 13     16 16            5 Capethorne – G & D Chamberlain    03 319 8500  9 June
                                                 5 Capethorne – G & D Chamberlain
                                                                                     03 319 8500 10 June
                         6 6
                                2 2              6 Eton – M Scurr                    03 312 4215  Private Treaty
                                                 6 Eton – M Scurr
                                                                                     03 312 4215 Private Treaty
                                                 7 Grassmere – C & A Jeƒeries        03 319 8585  9 June
                                                                                     03 319 8585 10 June
                                                 7 Grassmere – C & A Jefferies
                                 15 15
                                                 8 Jandoc – D & J Sidey              03 314 4277  Private Treaty
                                                                                     03 314 4277 Private Treaty
                                                 8 Jandoc – D & J Sidey
                11 11                            9 Matatoki – P & F Scott            03 612 9962  25 May
                                                                                     03 612 9962 TBC
                                                 9 Matatoki – P & F Scott
                                                10 Merrylea – JE & G McKerchar       03 614 3332  10 June
                                                10 Merrylea – JE & G McKerchar
                                                                                     03 614 3332 11 June
                                                11 Okawa – N & P France
                                                                                     03 303 9749 9 June/11 Oct
              12 12                             11 Okawa – N & P France              03 303 9749  8 June / 10 Oct
                                                12 Orari Gorge – G & R Peacock / R & A Peacock 03 692 2853  8 June / 10 Oct
                                                                                     03 692 2853 9 June/11 Oct
                                                12 Orari Gorge – G & R Peacock / R & A Peacock
                                                13 Richon – R & J Stokes             03 312 4362  9 June / 12 Oct
                                                13 Richon – R & J Stokes
                                                                                     03 312 4362 10 June/12 Oct
             10 10
           14 14                                14 Shrimpton’s Hill – J & L McKerchar  03 614 3759  28 September
                                                                                     03 614 3759 29 September
                                                14 Shrimpton’s Hill – J & L McKerchar
            4 9 9
                                                15 Springs Run – L & L Giltrap       03 329 5232  Private Treaty
                                                                                     03 329 5232 Private Treaty
                                                15 Springs Run – L & L Giltrap
                                                16 Woodburn – I & C Ford, T & H Molloy  03 312 9700  9 June / 12 Oct
                                                16 Woodburn – I & C Ford, T & H Molloy
                                                                                     03 312 9700 10 June/12 Oct
           Quality Herefords —
                                                or for more information contact:
           bred for the mountains to            or for more information contact:
                                                                      Phone: 027 499 4079
                                                President:  Tim Molloy    –  Phone: 027 499 4079
                                                President: Tim Molloy –
           the plains.                          Secretary:  Nick France    –   Phone: 03 303 9749
                                                                     Phone: 03 303 9749
                                                Secretary: Nick France –
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