Page 81 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 81

Global Hereford family

           descends on New Zealand

           International flags were flying at the Boehringer Ingelheim World Hereford Conference.

           Words: Kate Taylor

                       ore than 400 people from across the globe
                       attended the 2020 Boehringer Ingelheim
                       World Hereford Conference in Queenstown.
                         In early March 2020, before the threat of
          MCovid-19 put a halt to international travel,
           Hereford breeders arrived from across North and South
           America, Europe, Scandinavia, UK and Ireland, Australia,
           South Africa, and New Zealand, not only to take part in
           the official conference proceedings, but also to renew old
           friendships and make new connections.
            As well as pre- and post-conference tours, in the North
           Island and South Island respectively, the conference
           programme was based in Central Otago.
            The Rabobank welcome reception was followed by a day
           of country reports and technical sessions, a day rounded off   Outgoing two-term secretary general Jose (Pepe) Bonico from
           spectacularly by a trip on the historical Earnslaw steamer to   Uruguay with New Zealand president Colin Corney.
           Walter Peak for the PGG Wrightson gala dinner.
            Day 2 was spent on a field day to Locharburn and Earnscleugh   The conference heard reports from all member countries.
           Hereford Studs, courtesy of the Brown and Campbell families, to   These varied in style and pace, but as well as technical
           hear from a range of speakers and influencers, including Pablo   issues such as genetics, many included similar messages
           Gregorini and the Lincoln research team who are exploring   of environmental and animal welfare concerns, increasing
           Hereford behaviour on high country, plus genomic testing and   regulation and political interference, and the growing threat
           its opportunities by Neogen and Allflex international speakers.   of issues such as meat substitutes and plant-based proteins.
           Dr Amanda Doughty spoke about the use of livestock behaviour   Norway, for example, presented on the importance of grazing
           monitoring to measure stock health and welfare, and Bill Austin   for carbon sequestration, complete with a ‘living landscape’
           from Bill Austin’s Ultrasound, who spoke about the importance   photo of farmland with the city of Oslo in the background.
           of scanning and intramuscular fat (IMF).              The future of the breed was also mentioned, with the South
            There was also a demonstration from renowned Kiwi   African delegate saying they were breeding more rugby
           executive chef Simon Henry, who showed the visitors the art of   players than young Hereford breeders.
           delivering quality grass-fed beef, as well as delicious morning   For the marketing manager of the Hereford Cattle Society
           and afternoon teas put on by local Rural Women NZ members.  in the UK,  Laura Bowyer, that future lay in the hands of
            Keynote speaker for the event was American Jason   branding and social media.
           Rowntree, who spoke at Earnscleugh Station about research   “Quality has never been an issue for Hereford beef, but its
           into regenerative agriculture, and twice at the conference   recognition as a premium product has,” she said. At the end
           venue on more technical issues around methane and   of 2009, her council appointed a London-based food PR and
           greenhouse gases (see page 82).                     marketing agency to raise the profile of Hereford beef. She

                                                                           Year 2021       HEREFORD MAGAZINE       79
                    World Hereford
                    Conference 2020
                    Queenstown NZ
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