Page 79 - Hereford Magazine 2021
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Figure 1. Ten 2020 drop heifers with selection index values when a) their own genotypes were not included and b) their own genotypes
were included. Assuming a 60% replacement rate and selection on the selection index value, the larger animals are those that would be
retained, while the smaller animals would be culled. Note: values shown in $AUD.
plan to keep. While this may make sense from a financial Hereford breeders will have all available information on all
viewpoint, this does cause a trade-off with selection accuracy. calves, allowing them to make the most informed selection
As the example in Figure 1 showed earlier, the addition of decisions when deciding which calves to keep.
DNA information can lead you to identify more suitable
replacements than those you identified initially, prior to
having genomically enhanced EBVs. For this reason, in the
ideal situation, all young animals should be genotyped.
In situations where finances do not allow for all calves
within the calving drop to be genotyped, an alternative
approach may be to genotype all calves except for the calves
being culled for other reasons, such as structure. That is,
all calves you intend to keep or are considering keeping
should be genotyped. This will ensure you are not only able
to use genomic information to make selection decisions for
these animals but will also have genomic information on all
the keepers. This will have future benefit because genomic TRUE BLUE REGISTERED BULL SALE 2021
information will flow through the pedigree from the parent to ONLINE HELMSMAN SALE:
the progeny. Indeed, one option for those looking to gradually Wednesday 26th May 2021 •
build the herd to the point where all cows are genotyped is to SONS OF: Limehills Streaker 150368, Kairuru Major 555, Matariki
genotype the replacement heifers each year. 140245, Matariki 120087, Matatoki Oklahoma 1529
ALL BULLS: 100k SNP Tested, Sire Veri ed, Breedplan Recorded,
Conclusion Carcase scanned and Scrotal measured. BVD clear and vaccinated.
Herd status TB C10, 7 in 1 vaccinated and Semen Tested
Hereford breeders who wish to utilise genomically enhanced VIEW ONLINE: &
EBVs in their animal selection decisions are strongly Follow us on
encouraged to collect DNA samples for genotyping at birth SOUTH CANTERBURY BULLWALK 25 MAY 2021
(TSUs only) or marking/weaning (TSUs or hair). By doing VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME
so, and sending samples off for genotyping straight away,
Hereford producers can have genotype information included P: 03 612 9962 E: paul.
in the Single-Step Breedplan analysis by the time the calf Matatoki Hereford, 61 Howells Rd, RD 2, Timaru 7972
is four to six months old. Genotyping young animals also
allows Hereford producers to consider parentage verification
and genetic condition results when making animal selection
decisions. While the cost to genotype the entire calf drop can
be a large outlay, the advantage of this investment is that MORE BULL FOR YOUR BUCK