Page 35 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 35

Big year

                                  for Maungahina

           Fifth generation Hereford breeder Mark McKenzie (left) and his father, Bruce, from the Maungahina Stud near Masterton.

           Words: Rebekah Wilson. Photos: Supplied.            sales, bringing in about $100,000 from those sales alone,
                                                               Mark says.
                     espite feeling as though the odds were against   “Being one of the last Hereford sales was pretty nerve-
                     Maungahina Stud hosting its 75th annual on-  racking, farmers might have bought prior to the sale because
                     farm sale, it resulted in record prices.   we pushed it out a month; that was in the back of my mind.”
                       The uncertainty of Covid-19 forced the    With the combination of droughts in the north and farms
          DMcKenzie family of Masterton                                      being bought up for forestry, Mark says it
           to delay the landmark sale by a month. But   “Each sale           was a trying time.
           the new date was a cold, wintry July day that                       “Given everything that has happened
           brought torrential rain and snow on the   gives us more           with Covid, farmers may have been a bit
           Remutakas, and breached rivers, threatening   confidence. We      frightened that it would get blown out here
           the sale even more.                   have to do things           and they may not have a bull. But it was
            All stresses aside, fifth-generation breeder                     more stressful when the weather came in,”
           Mark McKenzie says the sale lineup was “the   right, and if we    he says.
           best one yet”.                        don’t have the                “We had rivers and creeks up, we didn’t
            Maungahina Cracker sold for $40,000   right genetics out         think we were going to get the speckled
           to Andy Denham of Stoneburn Herefords   there, they won’t         bulls in for the sale because the river went
           in Otago, fetching the McKenzie’s highest   perform. We have      straight over the culvert.”
           on-farm bull sale price in the farm’s                               It has been a big year for one of the
           history. They sold 27 of 33 Hereford bulls   poured in a lot      country’s oldest Hereford studs. Mark’s
           with an average of $10,907, and 17 Speckle   of resources to      father, Bruce, was awarded the Companion of
           Park bulls sold for an average of $11,735.   get where we are     the New Zealand Order of Merit in June for
           Speckle Park bull Promise fetched $35,000,   now.”                services to the cattle industry.
           equalling an Australasian record for the                            “It’s not every day someone gets that
           breed at auction.                     Mark McKenzie               award; he was pretty humble about it,” Mark
            Five semen packages were sold for    Maungahina Stud             says.
           an average $2325 per straw, while X5                                For the past 50 years, Bruce has been
           Maungahina Legacy sold for $5150 per straw,                       a pioneer in genetic development in the
           claiming a world record price for the breed, and X5 SPKNZ   primary sector. He was involved in the importation of different
           Extreme E27 sold for $3200 per straw.               livestock breeds, alongside frozen embryos and semen, with
            Australian-based buyers dominated the semen packages   the aim of improving herd quality in New Zealand. He was

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