Page 117 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 117
rate of genetic gain within the population. In this way, genomics information in the analysis, phenotypes remain a critical part
is boosting the rate of genetic improvement. Recording of quality of genetic evaluations, and highlighted the importance of
performance information, and the use of this information to make continued collection of performance information into the future.
informed selection decisions, is still required to make genetic
progress. The inclusion of genomic information adds value to
traditional genetic evaluations, rather than replacing them. CONCLUSION
Since the release of Hereford Single-Step Breedplan
PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ALSO CRITICAL in October 2017, Hereford producers have embraced
FOR BREEDPLAN EBVS genotyping, with a 3.8-fold increase in the number of animals
To demonstrate the value of performance data, the study with genotypes in just 17 months. Genomic information
presented at the Armidale conference investigated what would is leading to more informative EBVs, which gives Hereford
happen to EBVs if the genomics data remained in the analysis, producers the opportunity to increase the rate of genetic gain
but the phenotypic data of several traits, including DtC, was they can make. Performance information also remains critical
removed. The study showed removing DtC phenotypes from for the Hereford Single-Step Breedplan analysis, even with
the Breedplan analysis led to decreased spread in DtC EBVs; the inclusion of genomic information. Therefore, to maximise
without DtC phenotypes, DtC EBVs moved closer back towards long-term genetic gains, the ongoing collection by breeders
the average. The removal of DtC performance information also of both genotypes and phenotypes, particularly for hard-to-
affected DtC EBV accuracy, which fell from an average of 80% measure traits, remains vital.
to an average of 61%. This clearly showed even with genomic
>1990 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019
FIGURE 1. The percentage of animals with genotypes by birth year in the October 2017 and March 2019 Hereford Single-Step Breedplan analyses.
200 Day weight EBV accuracy Days to calving EBV accuracy
100 100
90 90
Breedplan accuracy - with genomics 70 Breedplan accuracy - with genomics 70
10 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Breedplan accuracy - no genomics Breedplan accuracy - no genomics
FIGURE 2. Changes in EBV accuracy for 200 Day Weight and Days to Calving when genomic information is included in the Hereford Breedplan analysis.