Page 108 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 108

placed fifth overall in the senior division; a massive achievement   shed as well as organising the team and preparing cattle. His
       in a tough class.                                     efforts didn’t go unnoticed.
          After lunch, breed judging saw heifers judged in three age   The New Zealand team took on this opportunity with
       divisions, followed by a yearling bull and a steer class. The   great enthusiasm and it was wonderful to hear all the positive
       standard of cattle was high and it was a great opportunity for   comments made about them and see them grow and develop
       the participants to watch the cattle getting judged and learn   their Hereford network.
       more about the process of preparing and presenting cattle for
       the show ring.                                          “I  enjoyed  meeting  fellow  Hereford  breeders  and  cattle
                                                                enthusiasts that I will no doubt keep in touch with going
         “Like the rest of the team I loved networking; everyone   forward. We are grateful to the continued support from
          was so open and welcoming, which made our time over   Boehringer  Ingelheim,  who  are  loyal  sponsors  and
          there so worthwhile. It is refreshing talking to others who   supporters of NZ Hereford Youth.”
          have different backgrounds but share the same passion   Sam Tipping
          for the agricultural industry.”
          Niamh Barnett                                         Huge  thanks  must  go  to  Becs  Paterson  for  her  hard  work
                                                             managing the New Zealand Hereford Youth team since their
         The third day was focused around the handling competition.   selection in January, and voluntarily accompanying them on the
       Our New Zealand team looked sharp in the show ring and did   trip to Australia. Due to her position as WHC Young Breeder
       us  proud.  Hannah  was the only kiwi  to place in  the handler   Competition coordinator, she has since handed the reins over to
       competition, coming third in a senior split. The competition was   Emma Pollitt, who has done an exceptional job managing the team
       high and just getting pulled out in a split was a big achievement.  for the latter half of 2019 and through to the competition in 2020.
          Prizegiving was held at the conclusion of the third day. There   The team has also been involved in several other events
       were various awards and scholarships handed out, including   and opportunities in preparation for the 2020 competition.
       the herdsperson competition, where Hannah was named Senior   Several team members had great success at the Royal Show
       Champion Herdsperson,  with Lisa third and Sam fourth. An   in Hawke’s Bay, where Niamh placed first in the RAS Fleece
       amazing achievement for all three of our senior representatives   Judging Final and Lisa placed first in the Sheep Judging and
       to be placed.                                         second in the RAS  Beef Parader  Final. Sam placed first in
                                                             the  Young  Farmer  stockjudging  at  the  Canterbury  Show  in
         “It was completely unexpected to be awarded Senior   November and was then associate all breeds judge under John
          Champion Herdsperson, which I’m so honoured and grateful   Scott from Scotland. He also competed in the Young Farmer
          for. It topped off a very successful and enjoyable weekend for   of the Year in the Aorangi region. Mark and Lisa also had
          our kiwi team. Thank you to the entire organising committee   Young Farmers events, Hannah competed in the Angus Youth
          and all Hereford Youth members for making us so welcome   Roundup in Toowomba in January, and Niamh has spent time
          and including us.”                                 with local breeders, practising her clipping as well as remaining
          Hannah Gibb                                        involved with Teen Ag competitions.
                                                                Hannah says the team has worked hard right through 2019
         The herdsperson awards were judged separately from the   in preparation for the 2020 event.
       other competition elements by two judges in each age division.   “We’re looking forward to representing NZ Hereford
       These judges shadowed the competitors everywhere they went   Youth and showing the world what we’ve got. The event and
       and assessed things like their work ethic in the shed, working with
       the cattle, how they approached the competition elements and   BELOW: Mark Murphy.
       the learning elements, how they helped their fellow competitors,
       and for the seniors, their willingness to help all the peewees.
          Everyone commented on the New Zealand competitors’
       work ethic, willingness to learn, how they fitted in, and that they
       were such great competitors.

         “Being part of the New Zealand team at Parkes Youth
          Event was an amazing experience and the perfect
          training event for our build-up to the Young Breeder
          Competition. My biggest take-homes were the grooming
          training and clipping demonstration. Both showed me I
          still have a lot to learn.”
          Mark Murphy

          Mark  was  over  the  age  to  compete  in  the  event  but  he
       attended all the senior modules, and helped everyone in the

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