Page 83 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 83

KEY FOR FIGURE 2     No genomics
                                        Single-Step Breedplan




           Number of Animals  800




                 <-25  -25<-15 -15<-5  -5<5  5<15  15<25  25<-35  35<45  45<55  55<65  65<75  75<85  85<95  95<105 105<115 115<125 125<135 135<145
                                                       600 Day Weight EBV

          FIGURE 2. Variation for 600 day weight EBVs in young, non-parent animals with genotypes where A. no genomic information is included in the
          analysis, and B. genomic information is included.

          3) EBV accuracy has changed                           was no genomic data have an accuracy of between 37-59% when
          The inclusion of genomic data in the Single-Step BREEDPLAN   genomic information is included. In contrast, animals that started
          analysis has resulted in increases in EBV accuracy. Figure 3 shows   with an accuracy of 90% increased, at most, to 91% accuracy under
          the increase in 200 day weight EBV accuracy for genotyped   Single-Step  BREEDPLAN.  While  there  have  been  some  large
          animals when genomic information is included in the analysis.   increases in EBV accuracy for 200 day weight, these increases
          The increase in accuracy is not uniform across all animals; larger   in accuracy are not uniform across traits. For example,  there
          increases in accuracy are seen for those animals that had lower   are much smaller increases in EBV accuracy for traits such as
          accuracies when genomic data was not included. For example,   days to calving.
          animals that started with an accuracy of less than 20% when there

                                                      200 DAY WEIGHT

              EBV Accuracy - Single-Step BREEDPLAN  80




                    0        10       20      30       40       50       60       70       80       90      100
                                                  EBV Accuracy - No genomics

          FIGURE 3. The 200 day weight EBV accuracy of animals with genotypes when no genomic information is included, and under Single-Step BREEDPLAN.

   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88