Page 82 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 82

Industry Focus

       Hereford Single-Step

       BREEDPLAN Update


       WHEN THE MID-OCTOBER 2017 BREEDPLAN analysis was      1) Average EBVs have not changed
       released, the Hereford breed in Australia, New Zealand and   For most of the Hereford traits, the average EBV has not
       Namibia became the first breed worldwide to implement a multi-  changed between the two runs. In several traits there were
       country Single-Step BREEDPLAN analysis. The introduction of   very minimal changes, in the order of +/-0.1. The fact that
       Single-Step BREEDPLAN meant that pedigree, performance and   the average EBV remained the same is not unexpected;
       genomic (DNA) information was being combined together in the   while genotype information changes what we know about the
       multi-trait analysis, and genomic information was contributing   individual, it does not change the performance data on which
       to the EBV and accuracy calculations of genotyped Hereford   the EBVs are based.
       animals and their relatives. In this article, we will examine what   While the average EBV has not changed, this does not mean
       lessons have been learnt in the 12 months since the roll out of   that the EBVs for individual animals have not changed. The EBVs
       Single-Step BREEDPLAN in Herefords.                   for some animals have changed (up or down), sometimes quite
                                                             substantially (Figure 1). This is not unexpected; the inclusion
       HOW MANY HEREFORD ANIMALS HAVE BEEN                   of genomic data gives the analysis more information about
       GENOTYPED?                                            relationships between animals, and the EBVs change to reflect this
       In 12 months, there has been a nearly three-fold increase in   new information. The EBV changes tend to be more extreme in
       the number of Hereford animals with genotypes being used in   younger animals with no progeny when compared with sires that
       the Trans-Tasman Hereford Single-Step BREEDPLAN analysis   had a previous accuracy of 75% or higher; this simply reflects that
       (Table 1). While not as pronounced, there have also been   in general, the analysis has less prior performance information for
       modest increases in the number of Hereford animals on the   younger animals than it does for high accuracy sires.
       New Zealand Hereford Association database that have been
       tested for HY, DL and IE. A small number of animals have now             200 DAY WEIGHT
       been tested for MSUD, with testing for this genetic condition    70
       included in the New Zealand Hereford DNA testing bundles in      60
       2018. In the 12 months since its introduction, Hereford breeders   50
       have embraced genotyping, whether for parentage verification,   Single-Step BREEDPLAN  30
       genetic condition testing and/or for genetic evaluation purposes.   20

                                  TOTAL NUMBER OF ANIMALS               10
               TEST TYPE                                       -20  -10        10   20   30   40   50    60   70
                                 OCTOBER 2017  OCTOBER 2018            -10
       Hereford Genotypes used in                                      -20
       Trans-Tasman  Hereford  Single-  3,651    9,773                     BREEDPLAN EBV - No genomics
       Step BREEDPLAN                                                      Young Animals  Sires (>75% Acc)
       Hypotrichosis (HY)           7,477        8,853       FIGURE 1. 200 day weight EBVs when genomics is not included
                                                             versus Single-Step BREEDPLAN, for young animals with genotypes
       Dilutor (DL)                 5,525        6,902
                                                             (blue), and sires with greater than 75% EBV accuracy (red).
       Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE)     5,524        6,901
       Maple Syrup Urine Disease                             2) Variation in EBVs has increased
       (MSUD)                         0          291         When genomic information is included in the Single-Step
       TABLE 1. The number of animals in October 2017 and October 2018 in   BREEDPLAN analysis, the general trend has been for the
       the Hereford reference population with SNP genotypes. The number of   variation in  EBVs  for a trait  to increase  (i.e. more  spread at
       animals with various genetic condition test results on the New Zealand   the extremes). For example, when genomic information is not
       Hereford Association database is also shown.          included, the birth weight EBVs for young animals with no
                                                             progeny range from -4.1 to +10.2. With genomics included, this
       SINGLE-STEP BREEDPLAN: WHAT HAVE WE                   variation increases from -4.4 to +10.6.
       OBSERVED?                                                Similarly, the variation in 600 day weight EBVs is greater when
       To test the effect of the inclusion of genomic information in the   genomics is included (Figure 2). With no genomics included, 600
       Hereford Single-Step analysis, the October 2018 Single-Step   day weight EBVs for young animals with no progeny range from
       BREEDPLAN analysis (which includes genomic information) was   -22 to +129, a spread of 151. When genomics is included, the 600
       re-run with no genomic information included. Any differences   day weight EBVs range from -25 to +139, a spread of 164. While
       observed between the two analyses will be due to the inclusion   only minor increases in variation, it does show that genomics is
       of genomic information.                               better at identifying variation between animals for a range of traits.
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87