Page 78 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 78

Industry Focus

       Eating quality underpins red

                                                                    meat story

                                                                                WORDS BEEF+LAMB NEW ZEALAND
       What farmers do on-farm can influence the eating quality of meat produced.  PHOTOGRAPHS MAGILLS ARTISAN BUTCHERY

       SPEAKING AT BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND’S beef-focused    be handled quietly and this means minimising the use of dogs –
       field days in Canterbury, AbacusBio consultant Jason Archer   particularly Huntaways.
       defined eating quality as tenderness, juiciness and flavour, and   Electric prodders should not be used when loading animals as
       says much of what farmers do on-farm can influence all of these   studies have shown these will impact negatively on meat quality.
          New Zealand’s red meat producers have a great story to   “IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS
       tell and eating quality needs to underpin the marketing rhetoric.  LOADING ANIMALS, INVEST IN A
          Age, long-term stress, marbling, fat depth and colour are   GOOD LOADING-OUT FACILITY.”
       all influenced by an interdependent combination of genetics,
       feeding and management – all of which are controlled by
       management decisions and practices.                   TENDERNESS

       “IN ESSENCE, BREED THEM WELL,                         “GROW THEM FAST AND KILL THEM

       FEED THEM WELL AND HANDLE THEM                        YOUNG.”
       WELL AND YOU WILL GET GOOD                               The  younger  the  animal  the  more  tender  the  meat.  Older
       EATING QUALITY.”                                      animals have more connective tissue in their muscles, which makes
                                                             their meat tougher, so fast-finishing makes for more tender beef.
          He stressed that all breeds were capable of producing   Archer says beef animals need to be growing every day and
       tender, juicy, flavoursome meat, it is a matter of managing the   this means managing them to avoid feed pinches or pregnancy.
       animals to ensure they do.                            While once-bred heifers are efficient in a beef system, pregnancy
          The pH of the meat influences eating quality and how   does affect meat quality.
       animals are managed in the six weeks prior to slaughter will   When it comes to  selling, Archer says  animals should be
       impact on pH levels.                                  drafted on their fat cover and not on weight.
          Muscles produce lactic acid in response to stress, so
       management needs to be focused on minimising stressing and   “A LOT OF ANIMALS ARE KILLED THAT
       maximising glycogen levels in the muscles.            HAVE NOT BEEN FINISHED PROPERLY
          This includes not walking animals for long distances,
       not mixing mobs within a month of slaughter, and removing   AND DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAT COVER.”
       animals with a poor temperament. Archer says stock need to

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