Page 53 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 53

HOW DID THE BOOK                      It’s been a huge opportunity for me,   ANY FUTURE PLANS FOR
          COME ABOUT?                         something I had never thought I would do.   MORE BOOKS?
          After the earthquake we were unaware   I never thought I would have something   I have done ‘Moo’. There won’t be another
          the cows were trapped. We had no cell   published and it’s a great feeling to know   Moo book, but there may well be another
          phone coverage or communication. The   people appreciate what I have written. It   book. Children’s books are fun, I’ve always
          Newshub crew were flying to Kaikoura and   just happened and I didn’t realise it would   enjoyed reading them, so it would be another
          a cameraman spotted the trapped cows.   be a best seller – it’s been in the top 50   children’s book. Having grandchildren and
          He apparently sent his film footage back   Whitcoulls people’s pick and was the   more time to read to them now makes it
          to the newsroom and, unbeknown to him,   number one children’s book for a while –   even better. I have read and re-read both
          that footage went global and then phone   that was really exciting.     ‘Moo’ books many times.
          calls started from all around the world. A
          zoo in Singapore even offered $2 million for   WHAT DO YOU THINK MAKES
          the cows! Of course we didn’t sell them.  A GOOD CHILDREN’S BOOK?
            There was huge media pressure to   I wanted the story to be factual but fun,
          save the cows, which of course we would   not a terrifying account of the earthquake.
          have done anyway, but the ground was   Many children were very frightened, having
          still very unstable with many aftershocks   been through the earthquake.
          still occurring.                      I wanted this book to be fun and easy
            The cows were guided down safely   to read and with the rhyming children can
          and joined the rest from that mob,   anticipate the next word. I wanted it to be
          desperate for water – all stock water lines   a kind story with a happy, positive ending.
          were twisted and broken – stock water   I have had some lovely feedback from so
          was the priority to get reconnected.  many people.
            One sleepless night I jotted the story   It was therapy for me (writing the book)
          down, what I felt the cows would have   and my part was certainly not arduous. The
          felt or thought and what they would   thoughts come completely randomly and if   ABOVE: Moo and Moo and the Little Calf
          have seen next morning with the seabed   I get a sentence that works I jot it down. I   Too illustrator, Deborah Hinde. BELOW:
          lift and unrecognisable hillside after the   have a lot of jottings all around the house.   Moo and Moo and Can You Guess Who?
          overnight earthquake.                                                    The second book tells the story of the
                                                                                   cows 12 months after the earthquake.
            Publisher Allen and Unwin contacted me
          with a story. I said I had already written it,
          would they like to see mine? It all went from
          there. A few months later, after the exchange
          of many emails, the books were in the shops.
          Allen and Unwin have been fantastic.

            I think it was destined to be a success
          because it and the Kaikoura earthquake
          were so publicised, but I had no idea that
          it would be so good. I think Allen and
          Unwin published 10,000 copies initially
          and reprints followed. The book is in many
          countries and I have been told many times
          where friends have sent copies.
            Often I call in to a Whitcoulls or
          Paper Plus and scan the shelves, and I
          have signed in-store copies. I’m always
          encouraged by their enthusiasm. I have
          read to local schools and gifted books to
          local fundraising events. I love receiving
          pictures of friends’ children reading Moo.
            I’m incredibly proud to think I have
          books on the shelves. Money wasn’t part
          of it. Moo is dedicated to my grandchildren
          and if there are royalties they may see
          some of it.
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