Page 49 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 49

Industry Focus

          NZ Red Meat Story

           – meat as nature intended


          NEW ZEALAND’S FIRST RED MEAT origin brand and story will   drivers. Importantly, they sought to determine what motivates
          be launched in international markets later this year.   consumers to pay a premium for red meat.
            Developed by Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s (B+LNZ) market   They then developed creative concepts around the brand
          development team following a comprehensive international market   and story and tested these in six markets – including China,
          research programme, the brand is intended to complement and   United States, United Kingdom, Germany, United Arab Emirates
          add value to individual processor/exporter brands.    and New Zealand. The results of this research informed the
            B+LNZ’s global manager – New Zealand Red Meat Story,   development of the brand and story.
          Michael Wan, says the brand and story have been developed   Michael says they are now developing a strategy to launch
          with the aim of lifting sector profitability by positioning New   the origin brand in partnership with meat companies and other
          Zealand beef and lamb as a premium food choice globally.  stakeholders. He says it is important to identify the right countries,
            The  brand  leverages  off  New  Zealand’s  unique  place   the right channels and the right initiatives in order to prioritise.
          and approach to farming. It is designed to appeal to health-  “I’m confident that together we are creating something great
          conscious consumers who are prepared to pay a premium for   but the challenge will be in the execution.
          red meat produced in an authentic and natural way that aligns   “How we collectively decide to bring our brand to life and
          with their values.                                    capture greater returns will ultimately define its success.”
            The team’s research showed that meat retailing has become
          dramatically more sophisticated and, while New Zealand’s image   “THERE IS A REAL DESIRE FOR THIS
          overall is positive, it is weak in terms of red meat production.   CONNECTION WITH FOOD THAT IS
            “In terms of origin marketing we are being left behind other
          nations,” Michael says.                               MORE NATURAL, WHICH RESULTS IN AN
            He says country or proof of origin is a primary navigation   EXCELLENT EATING EXPERIENCE.”
          tool for consumers when they are making purchase decisions; it
          is a shortcut to trust and an early filter for consideration.  BELOW: B+LNZ’s global manager – New Zealand Red Meat Story,
                                                                Michael Wan, says New Zealand’s first red meat origin brand and
            Consumers place importance on products that are grass-  story have been developed with the aim of lifting sector profitability
          fed and free from hormones, GMOs and antibiotics, and are   by positioning New Zealand beef and lamb as a premium food
          increasingly  anxious  about  food  safety  and  distrusting  of   choice globally.
          industrialised food production systems – such as factory farms.
            “There is a real desire for this connection with food that is
          more natural, which results in an excellent eating experience.”
            While health-conscious consumers are eating less red meat,
          they are demanding high quality meat raised as nature intended,
          with integrity, respect and little intervention.
            New Zealand, he says, can meet that need.
            “Ultimately our research revealed what is most appealing
          to consumers and that is the unique taste of grass-fed beef
          and lamb that has been raised in an authentic, peaceful way, in
          harmony with our beautiful environment.
            “This represents a real opportunity for New Zealand.”
             As well as appealing to consumers overseas, Michael says the
          brand and story will also be used to deliver accurate information
          about this country’s farming systems to the New Zealand public.
            The brand and story have been the result of over a year’s
          work, by the market development team and Michael says the
          process has been customer-led and insight-driven.
            They spoke to over 200 consumers, food service professionals
          and supply-chain stakeholders in eight of New Zealand’s key
          and emerging markets, testing ideas and understanding value
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