Page 52 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 52

On Farm



       star in



       WORDS REBECCA HARPER                                  Moo and Moo and the Little Calf Too tells the story of the cow’s
       PHOTOGRAPHS SUPPLIED                                  earthquake adventure and subsequent rescue.

       WHEN  TWO  HEREFORD  COWS  were     breeding cows and replacement heifers   the Herefords remain at Waipapa.
       stranded  on  an  ‘island’  in  their  hillside   and Romney ewes. All trading stock are   Jimmy Murray is my first cousin, so
       paddock after a massive slip occurred as   finished on the property. Waipapa’s hill   we have a strong affiliation with Herefords
       a result of the Kaikoura earthquake, they   country is balanced with 90 hectares of   here in the Clarence Valley.
       made international headlines.  Little did   irrigated river flats. The family farming   I was particular that the illustrations
       Jane Millton imagine their story would   company also has property at Ward and   for the book be correct, from a Hereford
       become a popular children’s book.   Oxford.                             breeder point of view, that the Hereford
          Published last year, Moo and Moo    One of the most upsetting things   markings and cattle be  recognisable. I
       and the Little Calf Too, written by Jane   at the time of the earthquake was the   also wanted the Clarence Valley to be
       and  illustrated  by  Deborah  Hinde,   massive damage to the land I knew   correct, Mt Tapuaenuku at the head of
       tells  the  story  of  the  cows’  earthquake   so well, and the changes in the valley.   the valley and the seacoast uplift to be
       adventure and subsequent rescue.    Where the cows were was the most    noted. Deborah did very well as she had
       Jane has recently followed it up with her   beautiful, tussock, sea-facing hill. It was   never been here.
       second book, Moo and Moo and Can    surreal to think that hillside had slumped
       You Guess Who? This book tells the   and was now a shear limestone cliff face
       story of the cows 12 months after the   with the pasture left rubbled, broken and
       earthquake, and the birth of their calves   rearranged.
       in September.                          I have always known we live on a
          Jane, her husband Derrick and their   fault line but never ever thought this
       family  farm  at  Waipapa  in  the  Clarence   would happen in my lifetime. I now look
       Valley, Marlborough, were shook by the 7.8   at the hills and imagine how various
       magnitude earthquake when it struck at   landforms have been created by previous
       12.02am on Monday 14 November 2016.  earthquakes.
                                              We have had an enormous amount of
       TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR            help,  food  packages  and  overwhelming
       BACKGROUND?                         support from so many people.
       I am mid-60s and have spent the majority
       of my life living in the Clarence Valley –   WHAT IS YOUR CONNECTION
       a very special place. After schooling in   TO HEREFORDS?
       Christchurch, an agriculture degree at   We have always farmed Herefords at
       Lincoln College, marrying in 1975 and   Waipapa; my father particularly loved
       farming at Franz Josef Glacier until 1985,   his  Herefords. We bought our Angus
       we had the opportunity to buy Waipapa   stud cattle from South Westland. Now   Moo and Moo and the Little Calf Too
       from my father. Waipapa is a sheep   all breeding cows are commercial cattle.   author, Jane Millton.
       and beef property running Hereford   The Angus cattle are farmed at Ward and
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