Page 109 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 109

The Hereford Year

                    Will Gibson with Foulden Hill Mustang, winner of the Senior Meat and Wool Cup at the Canterbury A&P Show, and his parents,
                                       Liz and Anton Gibson, who were runner-up with their 2-year-old Santa Gertrudis cow with calf at foot.

          Herefords dominant

          at Canterbury


          A WIN IN THE PRESTIGIOUS Senior Meat and Wool Cup with   want to win. To win (the Meat and Wool Cup) was pretty unreal.”
          yearling Hereford bull, Foulden Hill Mustang, capped off a record-  Will, who works for the New Zealand Merino Company, has
          setting Canterbury A&P Show for Will Gibson and his family.  been keen on breeding and genetics from a young age, starting
            The Gibsons, from Middlemarch, became the first exhibitor   his own sheep flock when he was 10. The money he earned
          in  the  show’s  history  to  take  the one-two,  winning both  the   from the sheep enabled him to purchase his first four Hereford
          Senior Meat and Wool Cup and taking runner-up with their   cows in 2009, sourced from the Braxton dispersal sale.
          2-year-old Santa Gertrudis cow with calf at foot.       “Hereford has always been a breed that’s been run within
            Will  and  Foulden Hill  Mustang completed  a clean  sweep   our farming family. I didn’t want to be just another Angus
          at the show, winning Supreme Champion Hereford, the inter-  breeder; Herefords are as good a breed and I couldn’t see why
          breed competition, and both the Junior and Senior Meat and   it wouldn’t be worth investing in. In showing the Santas we had
          Wool Cups, something Will understands is also a first for the   really clicked with the Hereford breeders too.”
          show. “For a junior to win the senior it’s very unusual.”  Will felt the Herefords would be a good contrast to the Santa
            Even when the bull came through the Hereford and inter-  stud his parents already operated and it would work well to
          breed judging so strongly, Will was not expecting the Meat and   have the two breeds on the property.
          Wool Cup, particularly the senior title. “To win the inter-breed   Because Foulden Hill is a newer stud, showing the animals
          and Junior Meat and Wool Cup was great but the Senior I was   helps lift their profile, and Will says EBVs are a big part of their
          not expecting at all, being a junior bull and a newer stud.  selection criteria – not only does the animal need to look good
            “The whole reason you go out to show these animals off is to   and show well, but it should also have the ability to breed on
          display and advertise them, but the competitive edge is there – you   and add value for the industry.
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