Page 104 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 104

conditions have been identified in beef cattle. Approximately   and the most impact on key traits that cattle inherit from their
           25% of these are caused by a single gene mutation, making   parents.
           them easy to manage through DNA testing.             High-density (HD) chips provide greater accuracy testing
         iii. Change in qualitative traits – a number of genes that   150,000 (150K) genetic markers – ideal cattle DNA testing
           contribute to coat colour and horned/polled status have   solution for elite seedstock, donor dams, A.I. studs and high-
           been identified and have genetic tests available.   impact cattle. Contains tens of thousands more markers than
         iv. Genetic  improvement  in  production  traits  (genomic   any other commercial profiler, including gene markers from
           selection) – genomic prediction of production traits involves   chromosome areas actively involved in cattle variation.
           identifying the relationship between the genetic markers   The parameters are likely to change for each definition as
           and production traits in a reference population. The genetic   the science and technology improves.
           component of the production traits can then be inferred using
           this relationship. The genomic information is then used, in  SUMMARY
           addition to the traditional pedigree and performance data, to   Why has NZHA moved to SNP testing in 2018? SNP testing is
           increase the accuracy of the resulting BREEDPLAN EBVs. It   more accurate and provides more information than the older
           is important to note that the number of markers required for   style microsatellite testing.
           genomic prediction is much larger than what is required for
           the other applications discussed in this article. Therefore, the   HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT DNA TEST
           SNP chips required for genomic prediction must be of higher   FOR YOU
           density, and thus are more expensive.             The most appropriate DNA test for you and your operation will
                                                             come down to several things:
          Typically, parentage verification, genetic conditions and   •  The animal being tested: Is this a calf you wish to Parent
       qualitative trait tests can be obtained individually, or bundled   Verify (PV)? A herd sire? An AI sire, or is it a cow you wish
       within a genomic selection test (typically 50,000 SNP markers   to flush for embryos?
       or more) at a price less than the total price of the individual tests   •  What  information  do you  wish  to gain  from  conducting
       performed separately.                                     the test?
                                                               •  Does the DNA test you are requesting meet the most
       SNP FACTS                                                 current regulations?
       While early DNA technology only evaluated an animal’s DNA
       for a relatively small number of SNPs, SNP chips now routinely   HOW DO GENOMICS HELP ME?
       evaluate animals at many thousands of individual SNPs.  SNP genotypes, along with pedigree information and performance
          Low-density (LD) are DNA chips with anywhere between 10K   information, are incorporated into the calculation of BREEDPLAN
       and 50K (10,000 and 50,000 of individual SNPS markers). 50K   EBVs. They assist in increasing the accuracy of an animal’s EBV
       is an ideal tool to test an entire bull calf crop, with high-accuracy   figures, by combining observed trait data, pedigree performance
       performance at an affordable price. Detects gene markers that   data and the genomic predictions. Genotype testing your animals
       have the greatest influence on economically important traits   will also benefit those related to them.




       •  GGP 50K
       •  GGP HD 150K
       •  SeekSire – Approximately 500 SNP markers for parentage only.
       •  Genetic testing: Hypotrichosis, Idiopathic Epilepsy, Diluter,

       Preference is Hair or Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU)*, but can
       accept semen, blood and extracted DNA (additional charge).
        *At time of print GeneSeek were still investigating importing TSU
       samples into Australia.

       *4.5 weeks on average – 3 weeks for samples arriving at the
       laboratory plus 10 days of travel.
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