Page 100 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 100
Industry Focus
Resurgence of
beef industry has witnessed a resurgence in recent years. AI KEY POINTS
Xcell Breeding and Veterinary Services is the largest provider • Choose between using a semen company, or trained DIY.
of sheep and beef AI and reproductive services in the South If you opt to use a semen company they will manage the
Island. Managing director Greg McKay says beef AI has increased semen dispatch and handling for you.
tenfold over the 20 years that the company has been operating. • Talk to your vet and AI technician to ensure you have
“When we started, it was just the studs doing it. We a programme set up that is easy to understand and
targeted a few people about 10 years ago and now it’s a 50/50 includes suitable timings for the technician.
mix of commercial and stud. It has especially grown over the • Usually involves three or four yardings, during 8 to 10
past three years, with the Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) days, from start of programme to AI.
Genetics Beef Progeny Test putting it back on the radar.” • Synchrony programme includes sedir in, sedir out, final
In the North Island, Hamilton-based Animal Breeding injection and (AI) mating.
Services (ABS), who have also been involved with the Beef • Slight variations in programmes for heifers versus cows.
Progeny Test, has also seen increase in stud and beef cattle • No heat detection is required.
AI. ABS veterinarian Andrew Russo is a Hereford breeder and • All cows/heifers inseminated at one time.
knows first-hand the benefits of AI – especially synchrony and • 50 cows inseminated per hour achievable in good yard
set-time AI, for stud breeders in particular. set-up.
“ABS has seen further increase in our beef cattle AI in the • 250 to 300 cows can be inseminated in the desired six-
past season, including stud breeders using our services for the hour window of set-time AI.
first time alongside commercial farms, with one new commercial • Conception rates to AI mating of 55% to 70% achievable.
client inseminating over 900 young cows and heifers alone. The • Cows/heifers not conceiving to AI return to natural heat
ability to utilise and add the best possible genetics, especially about 21 days later.
carcase traits, is driving a lot of interest from commercial • Options to re-synchronise 18 to 24 days later again.
breeders, which in turn is creating opportunities for stud
breeders to market semen from their best bulls. BENEFITS INCLUDE:
“From a personal breeding point of view, synchrony and set- • Condensing of calving pattern.
time AI plays a massive part in my own breeding programme. • Mean calving date of herd advanced.
This past season in my Kanuka Stud, and that of breeding
partners Colraine Stud, we have AI mated 60 of 70 females in
the two herds, including all 20 yearling heifers. Russo says a nice side effect of synchrony and set-time is
“AI has been used by both herds since 2010 and has allowed the condensing and tightening of the calving pattern, which is
the use of two Beef Expo champion bulls alongside other top a positive for the studs, particularly as both stud principals also
New Zealand and overseas sires, which has been very beneficial work off-farm.
to add linkages and accuracy to our EBVs,” Russo says. With respect to the Beef Progeny Test, all five large-scale
“Being comfortable using AI has allowed us, as a small properties involved in the test found AI was not as much drama
breeder, to buy bulls in partnership we would not be able to buy as they had anticipated. The first year, the cows – and the farm
alone, collect semen from these bulls and allow all co-owners of staff – were new to the practice and everyone was finding their
the bull the opportunity to use the bull in the first season by AI.” way. The average conception rate for the 2014 mating was
“AI mating our yearling heifers has certainly added options to this 49%. By the second mating, the cows and staff were more
group of animals, including being able to select those heifers that will familiar with the process and conception rates rose to 56%.
calve early, as well as opening up the opportunity to sell heifers in calf Whangara Farms, near Gisborne, is one of the five Beef
to top bulls, which has certainly increased their value in the market.” Progeny Test properties and manager Richard Scholefield