Page 110 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 110

“Mustang has a tidy set of EBVs and he has the markings   walker and I take my hat off to the Gibsons for the way they
       a Hereford needs to have. He has extremely good carcase,   presented and paraded their cattle,” he said.
       when you look at him visually. His biggest thing is that he is an   “It was a close call, with the second placed bull being Kane
       extremely good mover and parades very well.”          Farms’ bull. He was an excellent bull and the part of him I really
          Mustang’s success is proof that tying in the whole package   liked was his structure and muscle pattern.”
       can work and Will is pleased to see animals with genetic merit   Chris said the strength of the yearling bull class was
       coming through in the show ring.                      particularly pleasing and the standard was very high.
          “Genetically superior animals that look good in the show   There were two very good two-year-old heifers with calves
       ring.  We breed  bulls for commercial farmers but the  whole   at foot; that class being taken out by the Gibson family as well
       reason we show is to get our name out there. The animals are a   with Foulden Hill Pearl, and second place going to Anna Fisher
       good representation of what we are trying to achieve.”   of Silverstream Charolais with Pute Sunshine.
          Herefords at the show were judged by Chris Douglas, ably   “The Gibson’s heifer was very good, a very deep heifer with
       assisted by associate judge, Duncan Campbell.         great constitution. She had a great udder and excellent calf on her.
          Chris said it was a close call for Junior Champion between   “The highlight for me was the judging of both Meat and
       Foulden Hill Mustang and the Kane family’s Westholm Gallant,   Wool Cups, it was a pleasure to see a Hereford win, it was well
       which won the Junior Yearling Bull class.             deserved,” Chris said.
          “Will’s bull was a larger framed yearling but very well put
       together and very sound. He had great depth of body, excellent
       width across the loin and great thickness in his hindquarters,   BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Herefords parading at the show, Left to
                                                             right, Marc Robertson of Duncraigen Herefords, his son Harry, Peter
       with plenty of meat. The feature of the bull was the fact he   Kane of Kane Farms and Will Gibson; Will Gibson and yearling bull,
       moved as well. He strolled along so comfortably, he was a great   Foulden Hill Mustang, in the show ring.

       CANTERBURY SHOW                                       BULL JUNIOR YEARLING

       HEREFORD RESULTS                                      1st .........................Kane Farms ................ Westholm Gallant R61
                                                             2nd .............. Waikaka Genetics ............. Waikaka Skytower 1637
                                                             3rd ......... Duncraigen Farm Ltd .........................Duncraigen Kent
       HER OWN CALF AT FOOT                                  CHAMPION HEREFORD SENIOR BULL
       1st .................. Foulden Hill Ltd .............Foulden Hill Pearl 15335  Robertson, BI & CA/Duncraigen Farm Ltd ..Duncraigen Kaze 301
       2nd ....... Silverstream Charolais ..................... Pute Sunshine L18
                                                             PGG WRIGHTSON LTD CHAMPION
       Gibson Family/Foulden Hill Ltd .............Foulden Hill Pearl 15335  Gibson Family/Foulden Hill Ltd ..... Foulden Hill Mustang 16-381

       1st ...................Foulden Hill Ltd ......Foulden Hill Mustang 16-381  ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP)
       2nd ..................Foulden Hill Ltd ..... Foulden Hill Maximus 16-382  Gibson Family/Foulden Hill Ltd ............Foulden Hill Mustang 16-381
       3rd .............. Waikaka Genetics ............. Waikaka Skytower 1609
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