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Introducing Posy Moody | NZH Manager
Malcolm and Ingrid McConochie
This month we recognise Malcolm and Ingrid PBB moving into a purpose built facility in South Street,
McConochie who are gearing up for their last ever bull Feilding. In 2008 Malcolm finished his term as chairman of
sale at Lake Station on Monday June 13 at 11 am. the PBB board and retired from the board in 2009.
Both Malcolm and Ingrid have contributed hugely to Ingrid and his family have been an invaluable support
the breed over the years. Malcolm was the deserving throughout Malcolm's career. Not only did Ingrid keep the
recipient of the NZH Fellowship for 2016. Malcolm started home fires burning, feed out, check calving cows and do
his Hereford stud in the early 80's after inheriting a all the other farm jobs when Malcolm was away, she was
commercial herd from his father and grandfather. also an instrumental participant in discussions around the
Malcolm was also a NZHA Councillor in 1992 and kitchen table bringing a greater resolve to many issues.
was a representative of Herefords, helping to forge the So here's to you Malcolm and Ingrid, for all that you do!
partnership with other breeds that became Performance
Beef Breeders (PBB) to give breeders a stronger voice in
the industry.
Malcolm was then elected to the PBB board in 2000,
followed by a term as president of the New Zealand
Hereford Association from 2002 to 2004. From 2004 to
2008, he chaired the PBB board of directors. Malcolm
chaired the strategic planning that was instrumental in
Malcolm, senior judge at the Royal Canterbury Show with Malcolm, with Ingrid, receiving Fellowship from the 2016
Robert Peacock. NZHA President, Philip Shepherd.
Have your animals been through the
Single-Step Genomic Evaluation?
Having paid for your SNP DNA testing at Neogen, you submitted into Single Step genomic evaluation.
want to be confident you are getting your genomic results. Since Hereford breeders started SNP testing with
An easy way to confirm is to check that ‘genomics’ is listed Neogen, PBB have worked with ABRI to develop their
under “Traits Analysed’ on the animal enquiry page on diagnostic report to help breeders interpret issues and
Internet Solutions. provide solutions to resolve them, so the animals pass the
If your animal has a SNP DNA number recorded but QC at the next group run. Megan is working through the
not ‘genomics’ recorded under ‘Traits Analysed’, it means diagnostic report with her team, but it is a slow process
the animal has been ‘tested’ at Neogen but has not gone which involves input from the breeder. Please help her
through a genomic evaluation at ABRI. when she contacts you to resolve the queries regarding
Each month Megan and I receive a diagnostic report your animals, that for some reason (might be recorded as
from ABRI listing those animals that failed the QC (quality wrong sex or having the wrong sire) may have failed the
control) test. The diagnostic report flags issues which QC test or contact her if you find any tested animals which
ABRI QC checks found, hence stopping the animal being do not have 'genomics' recorded.
6 | NZ Herefords Newsletter. June, 2022 Hooked on Herefords