Page 6 - Hooked on Herefords Oct 2021
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                                                                                                                                                                                                  NZ Herefords Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2022 Booking Form




         Photo credit: Luke Brown                                                                                             Town/City:                                                               Postcode:
                                                                                Ardo Ajax 9136
          continued from front cover
          the test which hopes to prove that selecting registered             Beechwood Jono 51                               Phone:                                                        Mobile:
          bulls over bush bulls in the dairy industry improves the            Flagstaff Klingon P6
          value added throughout the market chain.                          Kairaumati Hudson 1789                            Email:
            Jason Archer (B+L Genetics, Genetics Specialist –               Kanuka Paddington 2003
          Livestock) said that B+L Genetics were pleased with the             Koanui Major P469
          number of Herefords nominated for the  2021 mating,                                                                 I would like to book the following advertising space in the 2022 NZ Herefords magazine:
          which made it difficult for the selection committee to           Orari Gorge Tarzan 190091                           Advertising space (Please tick)
          decide.                                                           Shrimptons Hill 170045
                                                                            Shrimptons Hill 170053                                  Full page $900 + GST                        ½ page $600 + GST              ¼ page $350 + GST
                                                                                                                                    (210mm w  x 297mm h + 3mm bleed)            (180mm w x 130mm h)            (88mm w  x 130mm h )

                                                                                                                              Custom page placement (Please tick)                   Left                           Right
          Hereford Updates                                                           Posy Moody  |  NZH Manager

                                                                                                                              NOTE: An additional 15% loading applies, left or right page selection only - actual page numbers can not be specifi ed.

                                                                                                                               Please send through your booking form to:
          Live Exports are tracking a long well. Big shout out   Marketing the team are looking forward to 2022,
          to Eoin McKerchar, Duncan Mitchell and Kevin McDonald   with a revised brand strategy and how we can best deliver    Christine Nagel             E:  offi       Ph:  06 323 0745
          who by default have become NZ Herefords Live Export   Hereford breeders market value proposition to commercial       BOOKING DEADLINE:           Friday 3rd December 2021
          inspectors. I don’t think they could envisage the number of   clients, old and new.
          times I would be asking them to inspect when we started                                                              MATERIAL DEADLINE:          Friday 17th December 2021
          the process over a year ago. The most recent release of   Semen Marketing committee are purchasing a bull            EARLY BIRDS: 10% discount if booked and material provided by 5pm Friday 26th November 2021
          certificates was to Sails for 178 Herefords. Both, the NZH   to replace the older NZH bulls which currently supply LIC
          inspector and NZH/PBB staff enjoy working with Sails who   semen for the beef pack. The committee are looking for   Print Ready File Specifi cations:                        Pivot Design Options:
          are always helpful and professional. The next order we   a bull to tick a lot of boxes with regards to data, strength   •  All supplied print ready fi les must be either a press ready PDF   Pivot Design can design your advert upon request
          have is for over 3000 Herefords for Austrex!        of data, Homozygous Polled, and a quality bull in the             or high resolution jpg.                               (design time charges will apply).
                                                              flesh. The bull will go into the LIC quarantine centre in       •  3mm bleed/crop margins included.                     Copy can be emailed through in digital form (word, tiff, jpg or eps fi les)
          Registry /membership changes will be                December and his semen will be used in the beef dairy           •  CMYK colour output profi le with 300dpi images.      with an instructional brief on how you would like your advert to look.
          discussed at the November council meeting so member   packs to replace both Oberlin and Boulder. In addition, the   •  Black text should be 100% black.                     Email:
                                                                                                                              •  We don’t accept spot colours, RGB or 72dpi fi les.
          details are in line with the new software programme NZ   two newer bulls that NZ Herefords purchased are having     Additional Charges:
          Herefords will be shortly adopting. We are not prying   semen exported to be used in the overseas dairy market.     •  Supplied artwork that doesn’t meet fi le specifi cations and
          when we ask details regarding your stud management, but   It’s the hope that firstly these bulls will be a good advert   requires editing will incur additional design time charges
          aiming to get a better understanding, so we can have the   for the use of beef bulls (namely Hereford) over dairy and   of $95+gst/per hour.
          right person under the right membership, which ultimately   secondly it will increase NZ Herefords semen revenue.
          means the decision maker will receive the necessary                                                                 NZ Herefords PO Box 503, Feilding 4740 • P: 06 323 0745 • E: offi
          information.                                        Rule Book has been updated and can be found on
                                                              line, under the “Member Services’’ tab on the NZ Herefords
          Magazine bookings are now open.  To receive 10%     webpage. The only significant change this year has been
          discount contact Christine with   a change of Miniature membership fees -their cow fees
          your booking and material before Friday 26th November.   remain the same. In addition, there is no fee for an embryo
          Kate Taylor (editor of Hereford mag) is always looking for   transplant for calves out of a registered active female.
          content ideas, so please contact her directly if you have   The $16 fee for a recipient dam which is non registered or
          something you think may be interesting herefordmag@  cross bred remains.

          6    |    NZ Herefords Newsletter. October, 2021                                    Hooked on Herefords
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