Page 3 - Hooked On Herefords Magazine October 2018
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        CONFERENCE 2020
        The Boehringer Ingelheim World Hereford Conference planning
        continues, with a visit to Locharburn and Earnscleugh scheduled
        for later in the month to determine what facilities are required to
        host the conference on Wednesday 11th March, 2020.
        The Young Breeders Competition has already attracted interest   Award Winning Hereford Prime
        from  six  countries  and  NZ  Hereford  Youth  are  requesting
        expressions of interest from anyone aged between 18-30                     Available at:
        who may wish to trial for a team place.  If this is you, or you     BOWMONT WHOLESALE MEATS
        know of anyone who may be interested, please ask them to       Otepuni Ave, Invercargill - Ph: 0800 146 328
        contact Becs Paterson via email:        NEW WORLD HAVELOCK NORTH
        A selection weekend is being organised in January 2019.       Porter Drive, Havelock North - Ph: 06 877 8032
        The pre and post tours are being reviewed, as a result of
                                                                               NEW WORLD HASTINGS
        considerable pressure from interested registrants on the      Cnr Heretaunga St E & Hastings St N, Hastings
        European Conference, to make the days shorter so they can                Ph: 06 876 9881
        enjoy NZ and have a holiday, rather than being endlessly on             MAGILLS BUTCHERY
        a bus and feeling exhausted by the end of it. I’m sure all NZ   Jacob St, Te Awamutu - Ph: 0800 624 455
        breeders who attended Canada or Uruguay would agree with
                                                                            THE VILLAGE BUTCHERY & DELI
        this sentiment.                                                126 Ormond Rd, Gisborne - Ph: 06 867 7689
        The marketing of the conference is advancing well with the
                                                                                WESTMEAT BLENHEIM
        launch of the Boehringer Ingelheim World Hereford Conference   Cnr Alabama Rd & Main South Rd, Blenheim
        website    last  month  as  well  as  the       Ph: 03 578 4554
        World Hereford Facebook page – NZWHC 2020.  We urge you
                                                                             WESTMEAT CHRISTCHURCH
        to follow both as this is where you will hear the latest changes.   394 Blenheim Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
        Tourism New Zealand also funded the design and print of                  Ph: 03 348 7165
        an information WHC 2020 concertina brochure, which was
                                                                                   HOLLY BACON
        distributed widely during the European Conference. If you have      310 Warren St North, Hastings
        any overseas guests or friends wishing one or if you are going           Ph. 06 878 5072
        overseas in the next six months, please contact the Hereford 
        office, so we can provide you with some to distribute.                   WESTMEAT NELSON
                                                                      41 McGlashen Ave, Nelson - Ph: 03 544 6137

                                                                             FRESH CHOICE BARRINGTON
        NATIONAL SALE                                                     256 Barrington Street, Christchurch
        The National Show and Sale will be on farm next year, on Tuesday         Ph: 03 332 6364
        14th May, with a breed dinner and AGM held at Orlando the
        previous evening – Monday 13th May.  After the Council meeting         FRESH CHOICE MERIVALE
        we will be in a position to provide more detail.                 189 Papanui Rd, Merivale, Christchurch
                                                                                Phone: 03 355 4432
                                                                               WHITFORD FOOD DEPOT
        NZHA’S FACEBOOK MARKETING POLICY                               5 Whitford-Maraetai Rd, Whitford, Auckland
                                                                                 Ph: 09 530 9590
        The NZHA Facebook page is gathering momentum! It now has
        2124 followers (if you are not one of them, go to NZ Herefords       M AND M MASTER BUTCHERS
        Facebook page and tick to follow) and is proving to be a great   144 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu - Ph: 04 297 1624
        marketing tool for the Association. For very little expense we can
        capture a large audience.                              
        The Association social media policy is to share breeders’
        posts and information to promote the breed. The posts shared
        therefore depend on how proactive you are marketing your own
        stud.  If you do not have a Facebook page, it does create a few    Like us on
        challenges to include your information.  If you require assistance
        to start a Facebook page, have a look at Pivot’s website which     follow us on
        advertises their Facebook marketing services or give them a call  on 06 323 4484.

        NZ HEREFORD ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER                                                                      3
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