Page 2 - Hooked On Herefords Magazine October 2018
P. 2

President’s Note

       Welcome to Spring Edition of the Hooked on Herefords.  The NZHA staff are continuing to work on the website during any
                                                              quiet moments they have.  You will find the updated rule book
       This is such a busy time of year for all of us, with calving, spring   under ‘member services’ and the information regarding SNP DNA
       Bulls sales and spring planting.  It’s been a good spring for most   testing has been updated under the “Genomic” tab.
       with spring bull sales showing very good averages.  For the latest   Enjoy the longer and warmer days.  Until next time,
       results refer to page six or NZHA web page -  Bull Sales Results.
       Congratulations to David and Sue Henderson of Craigmore for
       achieving the highest price for a yearling Hereford bull and to the
       Robbie family for their purchase.
       Thank you all, for the great support and strong bidding shown   Kind regards,
       during the Hereford Youth auction and thank you to all those who   Colin Corney,
       donated fantastic items to be auctioned.               President, NZHA

      Registry Report                                          13a.  Effective 1st November 2017: Before any imported

                                                                    animal can be entered in the Association’s Herd Book,
       DNA                                                          a certificate certifying that the animal (and in the case of
       CHECK - Remember that all sires used must have a DNA profile   embryos- the parents) is clear of any genetic abnormality
       in order to register any calves by them. NZHA recommends also   (this includes Hypotrichosis, Idiopathic Epilepsy and
       having them tested for genetic defects.                      Diluter Gene) together with the pedigree of such animal,
       *New NZHA rule - all joining sires born after 1st January 2019   signed by the breeder and also by the Secretary of the
       must be sire verified using a minimum of a 50K SNP test and   Association in whose Herd Book the animal has been
       NZHA recommends best practice is to verify the dam as well.  entered or accepted for entry, must accompany the
                                                                    application for entry.  All animals, embryos and semen
       SNP DNA testing - for more information refer to page seven and    imported to New Zealand after 1 November 2017, are to
       please visit:  be SNP DNA tested (minimum 50K) and correctly parent
                                                                    verified (including sire and dam DNA profiles) with the
       TRANSFERS                                                    documents lodged with the NZ Hereford Association
       For  those  breeders  who  have  just  held  spring  sales,  please   office prior to entry to New Zealand (Blood typing s
       remember to send in stud transfers.                          acceptable for genetic material imported prior to 2005.)

       EBV HERD REPORTS                                             Entry fees: bull $150.pp, cows $150.00, embryos
       Breeders that submit performance data for a monthly group    $150.00.  Extra registry processing will incur an hourly
       run will receive an updated EBV herd report (updated EBVs and   charge of $42.00 per hour.
       accuracies). Breeders can request a printed hard copy from      Prices are exclusive of GST.
       Hereford registry or can view/save it from the ‘Download Files’
       area on Internet Solutions.                            GROUP RUN DATA CUT-OFF
                                                              Any data to be included in the monthly group run needs to
       REGISTERING IMPORTED GENETICS                          be in to the office by the 3rd of the month.
       If you have calves to register by an imported sire/semen PLEASE   January group run cut-off date for data-has been extended
       CHECK THAT THE ANIMAL HAS BEEN REGISTERED IN NZ        to Sunday 6th January, 2019.
       sire/semen  has  been  purchased  through  a  genetics  company   Kind regards,
       please request that they send the required documentation to   MEGAN ELLETT
       NZHA Registry, in order to complete NZ registration rule.  Registry,
       13.   All imported Hereford genetics must be SNP (minimum   E:
            50K) DNA tested including testing for Hypotrichosis,   DDI: 06 323 0747
            Diluter and Idiopathic Epilepsy and be declared free.

                                            Editor:   Posy Moody, NZHA
                                            Address:  PO Box 503, Feilding 4740
                                            Phone:   06 323 4484
                                            DDI:    06 323 0745                
                                            Fax:    06 323 3878                              COMPILED BY Pivot Design, PBBNZ
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