Page 117 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 117

Richard and Suze Redmayne.

           spread workload. Lambs are weaned at 75 days with a growth
           rate of more than 300 grams a day. The winter lamb finishing
           platform includes 60ha of pivot irrigation.
            Twelve years ago the Redmaynes started the Coastal
           Lamb brand, which now also includes Coastal Spring Lamb,
           supplying their own lambs to a few outlets in the lower North
           Island. The group has expanded to include 15 families from
           both the east and west coasts of the North Island, supplying
           domestic and international customers.
            Richard says the group has a new initiative called Coastal Care.
            “Healthy habitat plus fresh water plus fertile soils equals
           biodiversity, and so we’re measuring the outcome of our
           success on the biodiversity we have on our farms.”
            Suze, who will contest the Rangitikei electorate for the
           National Party at the 2023 election, says they have adapted
           their business to their land, which has created different
           markets for them. She says the awards programme made
           them look at their business through new eyes.
            “Sometimes you need to take note and quantify what you’re   A 25ha regenerating wetland on the Redmaynes’ farm.
           actually doing to make you realise how much you actually are
           doing. You can’t be farming for four or five generations if you
           haven’t looked after your land.”
            Richard’s family started farming at Tunnel Hill when
           his great grandfather Wilfrid Perry bought it in 1936. It’s
           called Tunnel Hill because of a tunnel built in 1889 as part
           of a flax mill employing more than 100 people. Regular
           maintenance has ensured the tunnel and nearby flume
           are still in perfect condition, and connected waterways are
           preserved and enhanced.
            Richard says it was thrilling to share their lifetime’s work,
           and the work that had been done before their arrival, with
           like-minded people during the BFEA process.
            “Farming is an amazing industry where we’re not
           competing against each other. We’re working beside each   Richard Redmayne points out boundaries at their Ballance Farm
           other and all doing our best.”                      Environment Awards field day.

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