Page 89 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 89
Restaurant name:
The Foundry.
Cnr Gimblett Street
& North Road, Invercargill.
Name and title:
Colin Micklewright, head chef.
Describe your business and cooking style:
A combination of local and international flavours.
Why do you choose to offer Hereford Prime on your menu?
It’s guaranteed to be consistent in quality and flavour.
Who do you source your Hereford Prime from and why?
Bowmont Wholesale Meats. They’re a long-established family
business offering quality and good service.
What Hereford Prime cuts are available on your menu
and how do you serve them?
• Eye fillet – good old-fashioned filet mignon.
• Striploin – bar steak and Sizzler Steak for the restaurant.
• Cube – steak sammie for the bar and it’s also our main
steak option in The Foundry.
Why did you choose those cuts specifically?
They are the most popular and more commonly known
in Southland.
Tell us about your most popular Hereford Prime dish?
Sizzler Steak. It’s served on a hot plate topped with tomatoes,
bacon, onion rings and cheese.
As a chef what do you like about Hereford Prime? Do you have any words of advice/tips for the home cook
The consistency for flavour and tenderness, and, most wanting to impress with a Hereford Prime dish?
importantly, it’s versatile! As always, rest all meats for as long as it takes to cook, and
cook your steak on a high heat.
As a chef what is your favourite Hereford Prime cut and
why? Can you share any stories or feedback from your
Rib-eye – just the fact it is a steak I know will be tender and Hereford Prime diners as to why they enjoy the product
flavoursome. and your dish?
We are often told we have the best steak in town, and value for
What is your favourite sub-primal (secondary) cut money, due to the tenderness and flavour.
and why?
I’m a big believer in quality cuts so don’t offer a secondary cut. If you have won any awards for one of your Hereford
Prime dishes, please provide the details:
How do you personally enjoy your Hereford Prime I don’t enter awards, I prefer to let our customers say it as it is.
cooked and served with what?
Blue – just so I don’t ruin the flavour and juiciness.