Page 80 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 80

Yearling heifers on Forest Road Farm.

          Grant and Sally won the top deer industry environment   Grant recently timed out of his job on the Deer Farmers’
        award in 2021.                                       association executive committee but is still heavily involved
          “With everything going on in the world, I don’t mind   with the industry’s Hawke’s Bay Advance Party. He’s the
        standing up and showcasing what we’re doing. It’s not perfect,   new coordinator for the Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the Year
        but at least we have a plan going forward.”          competition and is chairman of the local school’s board of         STRONG BLOODLINES, CAREFUL SELECTION
          The couple made the finals of the Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the   trustees.
        Year in 2012, then won in 2016.                       “You’ve got to get off the farm and get out of your silo; these
          “I knew what the judges wanted from 2012 and I knew we   are the things that create mindset change and the motivation
        had to improve … One of the most rewarding parts of that   to do it.”
        whole process was looking back; it was chalk and cheese
        between when we entered in 2012 and when we won it – that                                                                                                        ANNUAL
        massive adjustment from losing Dad.”

                                                                                                                                                                         ON FARM
                 Herepuru Herefords                                                                                                                                      BULL

                                                53 Years of Breeding

                    13  Annual On Farm Sale                                                                                                                              SALE

                          Wednesday 28  September 2022
                          40 TWO YEAR OLD BULLS FOR SALE                                                                               THURSDAY 2  JUNE 2022, 10AM

                                                 SALE BULLS BY:
                                Kairuru Owen 170785  •  Charwell Ticket 160624                                                        Ngakouka Herefords only breeds from proven bloodlines, which guarantee high-quality genetics.

                                                                                                                                 Bred on medium to steep hill country our cattle are strong, reliable and are ‘good doers’. We rigorously screen
                                                                                                                                  the herd, retaining those that are quiet, fertile, milk well, and are e   cient converters for high yielding well-

                                                                                                                                        distributed meat. Correct con  rmation and high IMFs are essential - there is no compromise.
                                                                                                                                   e   rst 2021-born calves from our new imported sires, NJW Endure and Wirruna Neutron, are blending into
                                                                                                                                   our programme at Ngakouka very well.    eir thickness, correctness, colour and cosmetics are bang-on.
            Kairuru Owen 170785                                 Priscilla, Bill, Shannon & Cheyne Paki                                                   Ngakouka Herefords are the genuine article.
            Bulls specifi cally bred                    1096 Herepuru Rd, Manawahe, R.D. 4, Whakatane 3194
            for calving ease                                             P: 07 322 2362 • M: 027 322 2352                              Bruce and Chrissina Donald • 1877 Weber Road, RD 10, Dannevirke 4970
                                                                                                                                                     E: • P: 06 3742939
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